Tuesday 29 May 2012

Trinidad and Tobago and abortion

This morning while listening to the radio I heard about a new group talking about womens right to abortion. In Trinidad? What about the other abortion group: A.S.P.I.R.E.? Well an article on Lifesite website in 2004 mentioned the kind of people that ASPIRE are:

"ASPIRE... admitted they get money from Planned Parenthood for their work. I understand it is in the sum of about US $20,000 a month, that is more than TT$120,000,” explained Leela Ramdeen, an attorney with Lawyers for Jesus during a seminar on "Defending the Unborn” in July (2004). "These people are fighting because they are getting money, so it is worth their while to keep doing these things.”

Brian Clowes of Human Life International told LifeNews.com that he calls ASPIRE members "air-conditioned warriors.”

"The people certainly don’t want abortion in T&T,” explained Clowes. "We have had marches of thousands of people there. The pro-abortionists do not march or demonstrate, because their only supporters are the rich who do not like to get all hot and sweaty. There are no polls taken on abortion, because the power brokers know that they will be outvoted 3 or 4 to one. They do not debate us, because they know they will lose every time.”

The people who advocate for Abortion advises that:

Trinidad and Tobago, which has a population of approximately 1.3 million, has one of the top abortion rates in the world, with roughly 45 out of every 1,000 women ages 15-44 having an abortion. In the U.S., by comparison, approximately 27 women per 1,000 have an abortion.


That number is likely not accurate Dr. Godfrey Rajkumar told the Trinidad and Tobago Newsday, as hospitals there report voluntary and spontaneous abortions (miscarriages) simply as "abortions.”

In a Newsday article of May 2010, written by Suzanne Shephard, Suzanne talks about abortion issues:

To get as many people as possible on their pro-choice bandwagon, ASPIRE has painted a frightening picture of the number of women who have died, or have sustained severe long-term damage to their health as a result of backyard abortions. They also frequently telegraph the message that to be pro-choice is not only politically correct but an ethical, morally proper stance which will improve the lives of women and girls in Trinidad and Tobago.

But what are the facts. Well we need to refer to a place where abortion is legal - The United States of America:

It is estimated that around the world about one-fourth of the approximately 180 million pregnancies known to occur each year end in abortion and about 35 in every 1,000 women aged 15 to 44 have an abortion each year.

Although IPPF (International Planned Parenthood Federation) and their pro-choice advocates worldwide claim that legal abortions protect the health and enhance the quality of lives of women who would otherwise be saddled with unwanted children, there is a large body of evidence that the opposite is true. According to the Elliot Institute, a research group in the United States, ten percent of women in that country who undergo induced abortion suffer from immediate complications, and one-fifth of them are considered major.

Of the many potential complications associated with induced abortion, the ones considered “minor” include infections, bleeding, fevers, chronic abdominal pain, gastrointestinal disturbances, vomiting, and Rh sensitisation. The most common “major” complications are infection, excessive bleeding, embolism, ripping or perforation of the uterus, anesthesia complications, convulsions, haemorrhage, cervical injury, and endotoxic shock.

One study in the US showed that out of a series of 1,182 abortions done under closely regulated hospital conditions, 27 percent of the patients acquired post-abortion infection lasting three days or longer. In addition, while the immediate complications of abortion are usually treatable, these complications frequently lead to long-term reproductive damage of much more serious nature.

On this matter, we need to listen to people living in the US where abortion has been legal for many years. Here are the words of pro-life advocate Dr Karen Stevenson: “Abortion impacts not only the woman involved, it impacts families. Although proponents say that they want it to be safe and rare, it is quite common. It affects one in four pregnancies and almost 40 percent of women who have had an abortion have had more than one. Over 1.5 million abortions each year are performed in this country alone. It interrupts the special bond between mother and child just as it is beginning to form.”

It was only a few days ago that the minister of health called for a referendum on weather or not there should be legalized abortion in Trinidad. The joke on the matter is that abortion is legal for the extreme cases that people talk about. The other joke is that many doctors perform abortion in their office and these are still botched. Did I mention that these are doctors?

Well I am against the legalisation of abortion on demand.,.. and I am willing to make my voice heard and counted in the matter.

Monday 21 May 2012

So long Brother Gibb - Robin

I understand the influence of many great artists and musicians, but that does not mean I will purposely listen to their music. I really like Abba. I really like Donna Summers. I really like Neil Diamond. I really like the Bee Gees. So today’s news saddens me. Robin Gibb is dead. Well, we knew it was coming. The battle was not going so well. Still, there is only one of the four brothers left. There are sisters too. Hang on there Barry.

To all the family and friends of the Brothers Gibbs: “May God’s peace be upon you. May the Lord guide and comfort you through this. Amen.”

Missionaries of the Poor founder Father Ho Lung in Trinidad

Yesterday I saw a future saint.

My 3 year old (#4) has the flu. So my wife and I spilt up for Mass. She did an early morning in St Anthony’s with children #1 &3 and I did a late evening at Saint Finbar’s with child #2. Still, we both encountered father Ho Lung of the Missionaries of the Poor. Yes he was in both places. He is visiting Trinidad. Next weekend there will be several performances of his Reggae Opera “Isiah”

Now Trinidad is not a stranger to famous people. Just two years ago we had a multitude of political leaders when the “Summit of the Americas” and the “Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting” both took place in Trinidad. While Queen Elizabeths visit was low key, it was a big deal for many that Barack Obama was here. I was impressed by someone who was not a part of any meeting but who came to get international support for his World Eco agenda: The former French President Sarkozy.

We have had rock stars an actors, hip hop artists and great athletes. I have been impressed with only a few over the years and wish that I was of age when they came to visit: Haile Salasie and John Paul II.

But let us get back to Father Ho Lung. He told us many stories of great faith and love. But what I loved the most was his offer: “Buy a plane ticket and come to Jamaica.” He Said “When you get there, we will have people pick you up and we will give you a place to stay and meals to eat. Free!” Well, the freeness comes with a catch, “We need people to help serve the poor.” If you have never been offered such a great gift, here it is: An opportunity to do what Christ instructed us to do – Feed His lambs.

He says that in his 31 years in this ministry they have over five hundred and fifty brothers and many sisters in nine missions throughout the world. His ministry is blessed. He is blessed too. He says he has been invited now to open a mission in China.

If you are interested in what father Ho Lung is about and you haven’t seen his programme on EWTN you can check out his website: www.missionariesofthepoor.org

The website states:

We welcome lay volunteers to come and join us in our work and welcome all to join our spirituality and prayer life. Our mission is to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ primarily by works of mercy and secondarily through liturgy, preaching, music, teaching and sacraments.

There are many ways you can participate in the ministry of the Missionaries of the Poor. Many men and women visit our missions and work alongside our Brothers in daily care for the poor. Others help organize events and contribute their professional knowledge and expertise.

This is what being Catholic is about. God bless you Father.

Saturday 19 May 2012

Bye Donna Summer .... Be with God!

63 years old. Gone too soon. Another victim to cancer. Almost all her fans know her story:

Born LaDonna Adrian Gaines on December 31st 1948
Born and Grew up in Boston Massachusetts
One of Seven Children
Grew up singing Gospel – started singing in church at ten
Sang in a blues rock band, and moved to New York
Worked in theatre – musical “Hair”
Moved to Munich, Germany and then to Vienna Austria to continue working in theatre
She released her first single in 1972
In 1974, she married Austrian actor Helmuth Sommer and had a daughter, Mimi, the following year.
They divorced but she kept his last name and anglicized it
She later married Bruce Sudano and the couple had two daughters

She had a mezzo-soprano vocal range,
was a five-time Grammy Award winner.
Summer was the first artist to have three consecutive double albums reach number one on the U.S. Billboard chart
In the mid 80’s she became a born again Christian

In 1994, Summer released a gospel-influenced Christmas album called Christmas Spirit. In which she did some original songs, cover songs and classic christmas songs such as "O Holy Night", "Joy To The World", and "O Come All Ye Faithful". In 1999, She released a live album of her VH1 Concert “Donna Summer Live and More Encore. The album featured "I Will Go with You (Con te partirĂ²)" The concert show itself showed her as still relevant to VH1 Viewers. Having the second highest ratings for the network after their Christmas show.

Below is her song from 1984.. Forgive me!

Thursday 17 May 2012

Ad Multos Anos Father Julien.... 25 years as a priest

Today celebrates 25 years of Priestly ordination of Father Doctor Gabriel Julien.

Ad multos Anos Father and My God continue to bless you in your ministries....

Sunday 13 May 2012

So I watched "the Rite"

Well, I saw the movie "The Rite" yesterday. My wife watched it with me. It was showing on cable in the day. If it wasn't for the daylight she would not have even passed near the TV. The movie dealt with exorcisms.

My brother used to be part of a Catholic pray group that prayed for the priest as he was doing battle. It was he who brought home a book by a pentecostal pastor on exorcisms. A very comical look of events that took place during exorcisms. The most difficult thing he said was getting the demon to say his name. Once that was done it was easy getting him out. Then, the trick was to keep him from returning with his friends.

I wish I could remember the name of the book. In one chapter the author dealt with good spirit possessions. Those spirits were not exorcised.

It was in this light that I saw an ad in Faith and Family Magazine for a book called "Interview with an Exorcist". It was written by a Catholic Priest. I ordered it. It was an interesting book but not at all entertaining. It was very theological. I wonder who has my copy now?

So, I watched the "Rite". I enjoyed it. Jesus won in the end. An important lesson to know.

Mommy Rhapsody


Here is a funny video for all mommies. The music is Bohemian Rhapsody from Queen, the lyrics are every moms life. I particularly like these two lines:

Momma! I don't wanna die...
you should have thought about that before you broke my lamp.

Oh Baby! just go to sleep baby!

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Archbishop: Catholic teachers must help shape better society

The Express of May 9th has an interesting article. Catholic teachers must shape a better society, but who is shaping better Catholics in our CATHOLIC Schools. We talk about a lack of Vocations, but where do we expect to get vocations from? Yet we are not teaching our children to live the virtues.

Here is the article written by Camille Bethel:

Catholic teachers must help to shape a better society, Archbishop Joseph Harris, said yesterday .

Harris was speaking at a thanksgiving mass in celebration of the 130th anniversary of St Joseph Convent, San Fernando. The service was held at the Our Lady of Perpetual Help RC Church, Harris Promenade, San Fernando.

He said a Catholic education has to ensure that habits of prayer, love and being a Eucharistic people are engraved in Catholic students before they leave Sixth Form. This is to ensure that both purposes of a Catholic education are fulfilled.

"A Catholic education has a double end. It seeks to develop citizens of the kingdom of Almighty God and also citizens of this land. That is the purpose. A Catholic education therefore must help to revitalise Catholic culture and identity or else it would have failed.

"If it is one thing that we need among all our people we need people with merciful hearts, compassionate hearts, loving hearts. We need a society which is far more genuine than the one in which we live," he told the principal, teachers and pupils in the congregation.

Harris spoke about the purpose of the mission of the Cluny Sisters to Trinidad and he congratulated them for ensuring that the intuition was still being carried out after 130 years.

"I read an except from a letter written by the Bishop at the time, who asked the sisters if they could come to Trinidad so that they could teach young ladies of all classes and all religions. That was the founding intuition. 130 years later we can look at it and say to ourselves, 'Yes, we have been faithful'."

Sunday 6 May 2012

Drs. Bill & Camille Cosby Community Center

The Examiner.com tells an interesting story about Bill Crosby and his wife.
On April 20th, 2012, the Community Center at St. Frances Academy of Baltimore was named in honor of actor, comedian and author, Bill Cosby and his wife, Dr. Camille Cosby. The formal name of the center is "Drs. Bill & Camille Cosby Community Center". St. Frances Academy is an independent Catholic high school with African-American and Hispanic roots. Serving the community as a positive catalyst for change, St. Frances leads urban American high schools through educational excellence and responsiveness to the needs of students and community. Continuing the legacy of Mother Mary Lange, who founded St. Frances in 1828 and the Oblate Sisters of Providence one year later, the academy and community center provide the immediate neighborhood and the Baltimore area a sense of cultural heritage and giftedness. The mission initiated by Mother Lange, born Elizabeth Clarissa Lange, is to help students and members of the community, particularly the indigent, develop the skills and education needed to become productive and giving members of society. Bill Cosby has been an advocate of educational opportunity throughout his life. His career is proof of his lifelong dedication to children. Dr. Camille Cosby was educated by the Oblate Sisters of Providence when she was a child living in Washington, D.C. She remembers the vision and mission fondly and was the keynote speaker at the 175th anniversary of the Oblate Sisters of Providence. The Cosbys made the largest donation in St. Frances' history when they established the Cosby Scholars program several years ago. This celebration and dedication ceremony is an expression of gratitude for their generosity over the years. The St. Frances Academy Gala Benefitting Students was held on Friday, April 20th 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at Martin's West in Woodlawn. Individual tickets were $150. Proceeds benefit the continuing education and community programs at St. Frances.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

A dad for all dads

May 1 in nearly every country is Labor Day. More than 50 years ago the Church saw this feast as an opportunity to reflect on the figure of St. Joseph, who was a model worker as support of his family.