Thursday 11 December 2014

back in the saddle - about this "all dogs go to heaven" talk from the Pope

Well, perhaps it's God's will. For quite a few months I have been unable to access my blog. I am happy to say I can once more do so and I am going to blog again. So look out for me.

Now some time ago I wondered about the difference between souls and spirit. I found out that catholic teaching on the subject is that God IS spirit and that we are spirit. We contain a soul, which is the spark that animates us in our bodies. So that we are body soul and spirit.

I have also been taught that animals have a soul that animates them. they have bodies that rot when the soul leaves and that they do not have a spirit. What is this about the Pope saying that animals go to heaven. Isn't that counter to the teachings of the church? Are we then to assume that if animals go to heaven that they go to hell too. And what about plants, insects, fish and other creatures?

Alas! Who knows anymore? Sigh!

Friday 15 August 2014

The Burial and Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary


The funeral procession followed the Way of the Cross set up by the Blessed Virgin right up to the last Station, and then went over the hill in front of that Station and stopped at the right of the entrance to the tomb. Here they laid down the holy body, and then four of them carried it into the burial-chamber in the rock and laid it in the place hollowed out for it. All those present went in one by one and laid spices and flowers beside the body, kneeling down and offering up their prayers and their tears.

Many lingered there in love and sorrow, and night had fallen when the Apostles closed the entrance to the tomb. They dug a trench before the narrow entrance of the rock-tomb, and planted in it a hedge of various shrubs brought with their roots from elsewhere. Some had leaves, some blossoms, and some berries. They made the water from a near-by spring flow in front of the hedge, so that no trace of the entrance to the tomb could be seen and none could enter the cave without forcing a way round behind the hedge. They went away in scattered groups, some remaining to pray and watch by the tomb, others stopping to pray here and there at the Stations of the Cross. Those who were on their way home saw from the distance a strange radiance over Mary's tomb, which moved them to wonder, though they did not know what it really was. I saw it, too, but of all that I saw I remember only the following. It was as if a shaft of light descended from heaven towards the tomb, and in this shaft was a lovely form like the soul of the Blessed Virgin, accompanied by the form of Our Lord. Then the body of the Blessed Virgin, united to the shining soul, rose shining out of the grave and soared up to heaven with the figure of Our Lord. All this lies in my memory as something half realized and yet distinct.

In the night I saw several of the Apostles and holy women praying and singing in the little garden in front of the rock-tomb. A broad shaft of light came down from heaven to the rock, and I saw descending in it a triple-ringed glory of angels and spirits surrounding the appearance of Our Lord and of the shining soul of Mary. The appearance of Jesus Christ, whose wound-marks were streaming with light, moved down in front of her soul. Round the soul of Mary, in the innermost circle of the glory, I saw only little figures of children; in the midmost circle they appeared as six-year-old children; and in the outermost circle as grown-up youths. I could see only the faces clearly, all the rest I saw as shimmering figures of light. As this vision, becoming ever clearer, streamed down upon the rock, I saw a shining path opened and leading up to the heavenly Jerusalem. Then I saw the soul of the Blessed Virgin, which had been following the appearance of Jesus, pass in front of Him, and float down into the tomb. Soon afterwards I saw her soul, united to her transfigured body, rising out of the tomb far brighter and clearer, and ascending into the heavenly Jerusalem with Our Lord and with the whole glory. Thereupon all the radiance faded again, and the quiet starry sky covered the land.

I do not know whether the Apostles and holy women praying before the tomb saw all this in the same manner, but I saw them looking upwards in adoration and amazement, or throwing themselves down full of awe with their faces to the ground. I saw, too, how several of those who were praying and singing by the Way of the Cross as they carried home the empty bier turned back with great reverence and devotion towards the light above the rock-tomb.

Thus I did not see the Blessed Virgin die in the usual manner, nor did I see her go up to heaven; but I saw that first her soul and then her body were taken from the earth.

On returning to the house the Apostles and disciples partook of a little food and then went to rest. They slept outside the house in sheds built onto it. Mary's maidservant, who had remained in the house to set things in order, and the other women who had stayed there to help her, slept in the room behind the hearth. During the burial the maidservant had cleared everything out of this, so that it now looked like a little chapel; and thenceforward the Apostles used it for prayer and for offering the Holy Sacrifice. This evening I saw them still in their own room, praying and mourning. The women had already gone to rest. Then I saw the Apostle Thomas and two companions, all girt up, arrive at the gate of the courtyard and knock to be let in. There was a disciple with him called Jonathan, who was related to the Holy Family. [196] His other companion was a very simple-minded man from the land of the farthest of the three holy kings, which I always call Partherme, [197] not being able to recall names exactly. Thomas had brought him from there; he carried his cloak and was an obedient, child-like servant. A disciple opened the gate, and Thomas went with Jonathan into the Apostles' room, telling his servant to sit at the gate and wait. The good brown man, who did everything that he was told, at once sat quietly down. O, how distressed they were to learn that they had come too late! Thomas cried like a child when he heard of Mary's death. The disciples washed his and Jonathan's feet, and gave them some refreshment. In the meantime the women had woken and got up, and when they had retired from the Blessed Virgin's room, Thomas and Jonathan were taken to the place where the Blessed Virgin had died. They threw themselves to the ground and watered it with their tears. Thomas knelt long in prayer at Mary's little altar. His grief was inexpressibly moving; it makes me cry even now when I think of it. When the Apostles had finished their prayers (which they had not interrupted), they all went to welcome the new arrivals. They took Thomas and Jonathan by the arms, lifted them from their knees, embraced them, and led them into the front part of the house, where they gave them honey and little loaves of bread to eat. They drank from little jugs and goblets. They prayed together once more, and all embraced each other.

But now Thomas and Jonathan begged to be shown the tomb [198] of the Blessed Virgin, so the Apostles kindled lights fastened to staves, and they all went out along Mary's Way of the Cross to her tomb. They spoke little, stopping for a short time at the stones of the Stations, and meditating on the Via Dolorosa of Our Lord and the compassionate love of His Mother, who had placed these stones of remembrance here and had so often wetted them with her tears. When they came to the rock-tomb, they all threw themselves on their knees. Thomas and Jonathan hurried towards the tomb, followed by John. Two disciples held back the bushes from the entrance, and they went in and knelt in reverent awe before the resting-place of the Blessed Virgin. John then drew near to the light wicker coffin, which projected a little beyond the ledge of rock, undid the three gray bands which were round it and laid them aside. When the light of the torches shone into the coffin, they saw with awe and amazement the grave-clothes lying before them still wrapped round as before, but empty. About the face and breast they were undone; the wrappings of the arms lay slightly loosened, but not unwound. The transfigured body of Mary was no longer on earth. They gazed up in astonishment, raising their arms, as though the holy body had only then vanished from among them; and John called to those outside the cave: Come, see, and wonder, she is no longer here.' All came two by two into the narrow cave, and saw with amazement the empty grave-clothes lying before them. They looked up to heaven with uplifted arms, weeping and praying, praising the Lord and His beloved transfigured Mother (their true dear Mother, too) like devoted children, uttering every kind of loving endearment as the spirit moved them. They must have remembered in their thoughts that cloud of light which they had seen from afar on their way home immediately after the burial, how it had sunk down upon the tomb and then soared upwards again. John took the Blessed Virgin's grave-clothes with great reverence out of the wicker coffin, folded and wrapped them carefully together, and took them away, after closing the lid of the coffin and fastening it again with the bands. Then they left the tomb, closing the entrance again with the bushes. They returned to the house by the Way of the Cross, praying and singing hymns. On their return they all went into the Blessed Virgin's room. John laid the grave-clothes reverently on the little table before the place where the Blessed Virgin used to pray. Thomas and the others prayed again at the place where she died. Peter went apart as if in spiritual meditation; perhaps he was making his preparation, for afterwards I saw the altar being set up before the Blessed Virgin's place of prayer where her cross stood, and I saw Peter holding a solemn service there, the others standing behind him in rows and praying and singing alternately. The holy women stood farther back by the doors, behind the hearth.

Thomas' simple-minded servant had followed him from the distant land which he had last visited. His appearance was very strange. He had small eyes, a flat forehead and nose, and high cheek-bones. His skin was of a browner color than one sees here. He had been baptized; apart from that he was just like an ignorant, obedient child. He did everything that he was told--stood still where he was put, looked in the direction he was told to, and smiled at everybody. He remained seated in the place where Thomas had said he was to wait, and when he saw Thomas in tears, he wept bitterly, too. This man always stayed with Thomas; he was able to carry great weights, and I have seen him dragging up enormous stones when Thomas was building a chapel.

After the Blessed Virgin's death I saw the assembled Apostles and disciples often standing together in a group and telling each other where they had been and what had befallen them. I heard it all, and if it be God's will I shall recollect it.

[August 20 ^th, 1820 and 1821:] After performing various devotions most of the disciples have taken leave and returned to their duties. The Apostles are still at the house, with Jonathan, who came with Thomas, and also Thomas' servant; but they will all be leaving as soon as they have finished their work. They are working at freeing Mary's Way of the Cross from weeds and stones and are planting it with beautiful shrubs, herbs, and flowers. While working they pray and sing, and I cannot express how moving it is to see them: it is as if, in their love and sorrow, they were performing a solemn religious service, sad but beautiful. Like devoted children they adorn the footsteps of God's Mother and their Mother--those footsteps which followed, in compassionate devotion, her Divine Son's path of suffering to His redeeming death upon the Cross.

They entirely closed up the entrance into Mary's tomb by earthing up more firmly the bushes planted in front of it and strengthening the trench. They arranged and beautified the little garden before the tomb, and dug out a passage at the back of the hill leading to the back wall of the tomb, chiseling out an opening in the rock through which one could see the place where the Holy Mother's body had rested--that Mother whom the Redeemer, when dying on the Cross, had entrusted to John and thus, to them all and to His Church. O, they were true and faithful sons, obedient to the Fourth Commandment, and long will they and their love live upon the land! Above the tomb they made a kind of tent-chapel with carpets; it had wattle walls and roof. They built a little altar in it, with a stone step and a big flat stone supported on another stone. Against the wall behind this altar they hung a little carpet on which the picture of the Blessed Virgin had been woven or embroidered, very plainly and simply. It was in bright colors, showing her in festal attire, brown with blue and red stripes. When all was finished they held a service there, all praying on their knees with uplifted hands. They made Mary's room in the house into a church. Mary's maidservant and a few women continued to live in the house; and two of the disciples, one of whom came from the shepherds beyond the Jordan, were left here to provide for the spiritual comfort of the faithful living in the neighborhood.

Soon afterwards the Apostles separated to go their different ways. Bartholomew, Simon, Jude, Philip, and Matthew were the first to leave for the countries of their missions, after taking a moving farewell of the others. The others, except John, who stayed on for a while, went all together to Palestine before separating. There were many disciples there, and several women went with them from Ephesus to Jerusalem. Mary Mark did much for the Christians there; she had established a community of some twenty women who to a certain extent led a conventual life. Five of them lived in her own house, which was a regular meeting-place for the disciples. [199] The Christians still owned the church at the Pool of Bethsaida.

[On August 22 ^nd she said:] John is the only one left in the house. All the others have already gone. I saw John carrying out the Blessed Virgin's wishes and dividing her clothes between her maidservant and another girl who sometimes came to help her. Some of the stuffs given by the three holy kings were among them. I saw two long white robes and several long cloaks and veils, as well as coverings and carpets. I also saw quite clearly that striped over-dress which she wore at Cana and on the Way of the Cross--the one of which I possess a little strip. Some of these things became the property of the Church; for instance, the beautiful sky-blue wedding-dress, ornamented with gold thread and strewn with embroidered roses, was made into a vestment for the Holy Sacrifice for the Bethsaida church in Jerusalem. There are relics of it in Rome still. I see them, but do not know if they are recognized there. Mary wore it only for her wedding and never again.

All that I have described happened in stillness and quiet. There was secrecy but (unlike today) no fear. Persecution had not yet reached the stage of spies and informers, and there was nothing to disturb the serenity and peace.

Friday 4 July 2014

Excorcism, the Church Militant and Our Lady of Lourdes Toronto.

In light of all the talk about the Pope and exorcists,I would like to republish my post of Sunday, 20 June 2010....

Exorcism, the Church Militant and Our lady of Lourdes Toronto

Pro-life leader Fr. Thomas Euteneuer has written a new book called "Exorcism and the church Militant". In a recent interview he discussed the book and the often misunderstood topic of exorcism, asserting that "due to an increased exposure of young people to the occult, priests within the next decade are going to be “inundated” with exorcism requests."

“One of the purposes of the book,” he noted, “was to take back the proper understanding of exorcism by placing it squarely in the context of the Church's pastoral ministry.”

In reading this I am taken back to my visit to Toronto in 2008. The Pope had announced that every Archdiocese throughout the world must have an official exorcist. It was a matter discussed on national TV. There were those for and against the issue, even within the church. Psychologists had their say. It was a big thing in Toronto.

In Trinidad, such an issue was under the radar. I don't know that it was ever discussed in any public forum.

What got me upset though, was that I went to Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church for Mass one sunday morning with my family. To get to the nearest church we had to walk through "the village". The village is an area frequented by homosexuals. On that particular sunday  there was a street "fair". Sex clothes, toys and various apparatus and booths were laid out in public.  And Yes, that got me upset, but what really bothered me was the Priest at our lady of Lourdes.

The reading for that week was Matthew 15:21-28: Then Jesus answered her, 'Woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish.' And her daughter was healed instantly.

The Homily was about exorcism and even in all the talk about exorcism the priest spoke about exorcism as addictions... not spiritual. How can you direct someone to heaven, a spiritual place, and not guide people in
spiritual matters?  Especially when the bible clearly shows that  Jesus exorcised demons on several occasions.... and not just Jesus. Read the Acts of the apostles.

Fr. Euteneuer underscored Exorcism in Jesus' Ministry, “He healed the sick, He preached the Gospel and He cast out demons. He continues to do those works in and through the Church and that it what he handed on to the Church to do.”

Monday 23 June 2014

Thank You Father Gerry Pantin

Not long ago I was at a gas station when I saw the calypsonian the mighty Chalkdust. Something in me said that I should thank this man for all that he has done for the country. Not his calypsoes,although they are pretty good. This calpsonian with all his many degrees, decided that he needed to serve the country by being a teacher and ensuring that he made a difference in some people's life.

I was watching the news this evening and I saw that Father Gerry Pantin had passed. What a loss to this nation. What a loss to the poor. What a loss to humanity. This makes me so sad. Father Gerry was the founder of Servol. Their website describes the founding of this NGO as follows:

In 1970, Trinidad and Tobago was experiencing some very difficult times. A number of people, mainly from the Laventille area, began a series of demonstrations to protect the social conditions of the poor. These marches, subsequently known as the "Black Power" demonstrations, continued and the numbers increased until a group of highly trained officers persuaded the Army to attempt to overthrow the Government by violent revolution.
Following this, Fr.Gerard Pantin, a Roman Catholic Priest/ teacher at St.Mary's College and Mr. Wesley Hall, a cricketer who was on a coaching assignment with the West Indian Tobacco Company, went into the Laventille area to find out how they could assist the people with the various problems they faced. They made contact with a number of street corner groups, had "rap sessions" with them and eventually overcame their initial suspicion and hostility. As a result, SERVOL (Service Volunteered for ALL),a voluntary organisation, was born.

After a period of about three (3) months, Wesley Hall returned to his Barbados and Fr. Pantin made a formal request to the Commander of the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force to have some volunteers assigned to work with him in a developmental programme in Laventille.  This request was approved and so twelve (12) soldiers and sailors were assigned to work with SERVOL.  Without knowledge of the theory and practice of community development, they adopted the procedure of asking each group "How can we help you?" It is interesting to note that forty (40) years after, SERVOL workers still continue to ask this question of those who come to them for any form of assistance.

Having laid the groundwork, SERVOL's aim now was not simply to work for the under-privileged but to get the under-privileged to work for themselves, to get them out of the stagnation they were in and to help them formulate goals they could realize.

SERVOL was interested in the self-development of people. It was not a welfare organization nor did it see its explicit task as being the mass transformation of society or the alleviating of the many problems of the poor. Rather it saw itself as a small but important catalyst for social change which Caribbean society desperately needed. In working with people in all their many and various projects, SERVOL was also searching for new models for development, which were capable of being taken up by larger organizations and implemented on a large scale.
The Trinidad Guardian newspaper in 2010 carried a story of the Pantin family:

The Pantin family from Woodbrook answered the call to “serve the people, serve the people, serve all of the people” of T&T. Service has never been an alien concept to the prominent Pantins who made positive inroads on the socio-economic landscape. The late Anthony Pantin was archbishop of the diocese of Port-of-Spain. Former Fatima College principal, Clive Pantin became Minister of Education. Fr Gerard Pantin founded Service Volunteered For All (Servol).  Three doyennes among the Pantin clan epitomise the notion of service, volunteerism and humanitarianism. Ten siblings were born to late housewife Agnes and Julien Pantin, a managing director at the defunct Salvatori Scott Ltd. The union produced Gerard, Tony (late), Rose, Geoffrey (late), Clive, Monica, Ronald (late), Helen, Patricia and Michael. The Pantins’ matriarch Agnes was a “very religious woman” who took them to mass regularly at St Patrick’s RC Church, Maraval.  The family remained steeped in Roman Catholicism. Rosa answered the call to join the nunnery with the Sisters of Cluny at St Joseph’s Convent. Commenting on their calling, Clive Pantin said: “It was a gift from God.  We enjoyed every minute of it. That was important. If you go into a job and you have reservations about it, don’t do it. You are not going to succeed.” Indeed, the Pantin clan have been a blessing. 

Thank You Father Gerry, for all that you have done for this Nation, for it's people, for God. Rest in Peace!


Saturday 7 June 2014

Hey you ! married couple.... Get a kid, not a pet.

Catholic News Agency - Pope Francis' message to married couples by Jennifer Manning

Pope Francis’ comments in his June 2 homily—the one in which he urged married couples to have children instead of pets—have stirred up controversy, which at this point, should strike no one as surprising. He is a Pope who challenges the “comfortable,” or, in this case, challenges the “culture of well-being.”

 In his homily, Pope Francis warned married couples that the “culture of well-being” tells them that it is better not to have children; he cautioned against the temptation to forsake having children for the lure of material goods. Lest anyone think that this is a non-issue, Time magazine ran a cover article in August 2013 about “The Childfree Life: Having it All without Having Children,” complete with a glamorous cover photo of a beautiful young couple sunbathing on a beach—alone, no kids, no sand toys or sand castles in sight.  At a time when birthrates are declining to record lows, this issue is a pertinent one.

We have become a society that does not value the life of children.  No, perhaps that is too harsh.  We value the life of children when we plan for children, when children fit into our blueprint for life. We see this issue of control perhaps most clearly in the tragedy of abortion (as Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta lamented, “It is a poverty that a child must die so that you may live as you wish”) but the battle rages much more subtly, as well.  Yesterday a friend shared a blog post titled “To the lady ashamed of being pregnant with her fourth.”
In this post the author describes her encounter with a pregnant woman in an elevator, who, after sharing that she was pregnant with her fourth child, was relieved when her elevator companion congratulated her instead of expressing her condolences.   She also shared how often people had asked her if this baby was “planned.”

My husband and I are expecting our first child, and one of the most surprising elements of my pregnancy so far has been the number of people who have, point-blank, asked me if this baby was “planned.”  The first few times it happened, I was floored, and truly did not know how to respond to such a question.  Since reading the above blog post yesterday, I’ve decided I will borrow the author’s answer to this discourteous question, “Yes, God planned for this child from time immemorial, and I will do my best with this life that is entrusted to me.”  Because isn’t that what Christ does when He blesses us with a child—He entrusts the life of this precious little one to us?

And what is so wrong with an unplanned pregnancy, anyway?  Many of the great figures of Judaism and Christianity were “unplanned” pregnancies. Isaac, son of Abraham and Sarah, Samuel, son of Elkanah and Hannah, John the Baptist, son of Elizabeth and Zechariah—all were “unplanned.” The birth of Christ himself was “unplanned.”  Imagine how differently the story of the Visitation would read if Elizabeth had greeted Mary with, “My dear cousin! Was this pregnancy planned?”  Instead of “Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!” (Luke 1:42).  Yet our society does not always greet pregnancy with such joy.

The Catholic Church goes so far as to teach that one of the purposes of marriage is to have and to raise children. Ever been to a Catholic wedding?  Try counting the many references to “being fruitful” and to children. The theology of it all is downright beautiful.  Just as Christ’s love bears fruit in the Church through the Sacraments of Baptism, Matrimony, and Holy Orders—as Pope Francis reminded us in his homily—so too should the love of a married couple bear fruit. 

Sometimes, tragically, a couple is unable to bear children, and in this case the fruitfulness of the couple is expressed in other ways.  And the Church isn’t saying to have as many children as is humanly possible. But to deliberately thwart the fruitfulness that is part of the essence of marriage is an affront to the sacrament itself.

When we deliberately deprive sex of one of its purposes—namely, to create life—we utter a resounding “no” to God.  We have been made to love, and our love is made to bear fruit.  When we remove the procreative element from sex, we take away the mutual responsibility and privilege that a couple shares with each other and with God.

But we don’t care anymore.  We don’t want what we can’t control. We don’t want to let go and let God, we want to let go and let the Pill. We choose the path of comfort and control—why?

Flannery O’Connor once wrote, “They think that faith is a big electric blanket, when of course it’s the
cross.”  That, in a nutshell, is what is going on in our world today.  We don’t want the cross anymore. We reject the cross. We want the comfort of faith, we want to know that Christ loves us and forgives us no matter what—and he does.  But Christ calls us to take up our crosses and follow him.  Just a few weeks ago Christ reminded us in the Gospel of John, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.”

Ever thought about the very first commandment listed in the Bible?  Its Genesis 1:28—Be fruitful and multiply.

Saturday 19 April 2014

its another sign of the end of the world

Well I would not expect it from Pastor John Hagee... but maybe I should have... The good pastor has a book out in which he talks about four blood moons and the implication is that they would cause events in Israel that would EVENTUALLY lead to the end of the world.

Well, one has to be careful that one does not predict the end of the world or one may look foolish if it does not come to past. lol! To be fair to the pastor, when asked if the Tetrad blood moons heralded the end of the earth he said NO! He says that whatever comes about from Tetrad is specific to Israel.

Here is an  edited article from CBN News about the issue:
SAN ANTONIO -- The Book of Genesis says God uses the sun, moon, and stars for signs and seasons. Examples can be found throughout the Bible.Think of how a star led the wise men to Jesus or how the sun stood still as Joshua led Israel to victory over its enemies. According to Pastor John Hagee, God is getting ready to speak this way once again.

"I believe that in these next two years, we're going to see something dramatic happen in the Middle East involving Israel that will change the course of history in the Middle East and impact the whole world," he predicted.

In his latest book, Four Blood Moons: Something Is About to Change, Hagee lays out what he calls celestial signals. He describes how a series of blood moons in 2014 and 2015 will have great significance for Israel. Although single blood moons happen fairly regularly, four appearing so closely together is extremely rare. 
So what exactly is a blood moon and what is the biblical significance? "A blood moon is when the Earth comes between the sun and the moon," Hagee explained. "And the sun is shining through the atmosphere of the Earth and casts up on the moon a red shadow. And so the moon appears to be red."
Such moons appear several times in scripture. In the book of Joel, God says there will be "wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire…the sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord." In Acts, the Apostle Peter repeats that verse from Joel. And the book of Revelation says that during the Great Tribulation, "the moon will become like blood."
Blood moons are set to appear in April 2014, on Passover, and then again in September 2014 during the Feast of Tabernacles, or Sukkot. The timing is the same for 2015 -- a total of four blood moons, all appearing on Jewish feast days.
Well there are some problems with John Hagees predictions: The blood moons that are carded for the Jewish festivals would not be visible in Israel.

And as the frequency of  blood moons, well check this out. Four blood moons in a row is called a TETRAD. NASA has advised that there are six Tetrads this century. There were several last century and they occur regularly throughout history. History continued to have great things happen with or without the Tetrad blood moons....  so... you know... I won't be buying your book pastor Haggee, or listen to the prophets of doom.


Wednesday 16 April 2014

Adventures of a Mayaro Vacation

We spent a few days in Mayaro, and what a wonderful vacation it was. We got down early on Sunday morning.,,, but not too early. I thought we would join the Mayaro RC church for Palm Sunday Mass however that church has mass at 6:30am, so we did Saturday evening at a church closer to our home.

I woke up the family on Monday morning at 5:30am to join me for a walk on the beach and the viewing of the sunrise. God is heralding a new day filled with opportunity and hope. Unfortunately, no one shared my excitement. Sigh! I did my sunrise walk by myself the next morning with my trusted friends: Jesus and Coffee.

We went to seek out the bio luminous algae in the Ortoire river one night and was greeted by a huge crowd also looking for the same phenomenon. We heard all sorts of reasons why it was not visible that night: The tide needs to be high (even though the spot is miles up the river); The night has to be dark (new moon); The sun has to be hot that day; There should be no rain to wash down the algae.

Despite it all, there were boatmen who were willing to carry us up river to see the mystical lights - for a fee. We took the ride and the guys in the boat dove into the water and we were able to see the glowing water - Nothing like the pictures shown in the Trinidad Express newpaper photographed by Richard Charan  (shown on this page), but special nonetheless. Thank you Mr Belcon for your kind assistance.

Thank you Father in Heaven, for the joy of those days.


Wednesday 9 April 2014

Oh No.... not another spoof on the Catholic Church

Bill Donohue comments on a new TV series about a fictional American pope, His Holiness Pope Lenny:
Paolo Sorrentino, the Italian director who won an Oscar for best foreign film, “The Great Beauty,” is planning a TV series about the Vatican. According to Religion News Service, it will be about a “scandal-rife Vatican.” Imagine that—viewers will be treated to a Vatican riddled with corruption!

Religion News Service implies we should not be concerned because the new series “will be no less controversial” than the movie, “This Must Be the Place.” That film featured Sean Penn as a Nazi hunter. Am I missing something? What exactly is controversial about hunting down Nazis? Indeed, the U.K.’s Jewish Film Festival hailed it.

Sorrentino’s “The Great Beauty” was slammed by one Vatican reviewer as being nothing more than a “useless” Fellini rip-off. The New York Times was tougher: it said that Sorrentino’s “portrayal of the Roman Catholic Church is particularly scathing.”

The Hollywood Reporter also tells us not to worry about Sorrentino’s TV venture. “Interest in the papacy and the Vatican has risen dramatically with the popularity of the new pope.” Imagine what Catholics would be treated to if the entertainment industry didn’t like Pope Francis? In any event, I can only guess what the “Lenny effect” will be.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

welcome to lent

It's been several months since I have blogged. Today I am making the effort to get back online.

We begin lent with ashes, prayers and meditation. Our family have discussed what we will sacrifice for a family, and what we will sacrifice individually for the season.

One of the family activities is making time for us (as a family) to read scripture.Another, is stations of the cross. Sometime early in lent we will as a family, go to confession. This is critical for lent. For the seventeen years of marriage, we have only done stations of the cross on good friday as a family, a handful of times. By the grace of God, all will be healthy so that everyone can make the journey.

I wish all of you a Holy Lent, by the grace of God.