So this morning my daughter and I decided to pick up a few items at "Farmers Supermarket". We tallied ten items, so we decided to join the 1-10 line. As we get in there is a guy with a basketful of items. With a rough count I figured he had 20 items.
Now I've seen people in the 1-10 line with many more items argue their position before - I don't have 19 items, the nine bottles of soft drinks are a collective. The item is soft drinks... or the three rolls of toilet paper are just one item... toilet paper. The argument is hollow, and while I have seen cashiers make issue on the matter, they still cash all the items for these people. What business man would refuse a sale on principle.
For my part I believe in doing what is right, and in the case of the Supermarket, what is right is what they request the customers to do... so I follow the signs. these signs are not leading me astray with health issues or faith issues, so I have no reason to disregard them.
I considered saying something to the man but decided against it. As a good catholic I do what is right and I expect my children to do so also. Even if it is just waiting in the line at the Supermarket.
Sunday, 25 July 2010
Sunday, 18 July 2010
Chavez Vs the Catholic Church ... the fight continues.
"We need to re-examine these agreements, with all due respect to the Vatican and to the pope, who despite what they say is no ambassador on earth for Christ. Christ doesn't need an ambassador. Christ is in the people. Accords signed between Venezuela and the Vatican in the late 1950s and early 1960s give too many "privileges" to the Catholic church that other churches don't receive, (this) is a violation of Venezuela's Constitution." - Hugo Chavez
The war of words continue in Venesuela between Cardinal Jorge Urosa and Hugo Chavez. According to the Wall Street Journal :
Why can't people just get along?
The war of words continue in Venesuela between Cardinal Jorge Urosa and Hugo Chavez. According to the Wall Street Journal :
Urosa has warned that Chavez's style of governing, which includes frequent nationalizations of private companies that the government says is in the public good, is putting the country on the path toward dictatorship.
Chavez, on the other hand, accuses Urosa of being aligned with opposition forces that tried to overthrow him in a brief 2002 coup. He said the archbishop should stick to his church duties and stay out of politics.
On Wednesday, Chavez said Urosa and other church leaders in Venezuela should stop manipulating the people, and added that the only thing Urosa has yet to do is directly tell people to vote against Chavez and his socialist party.
Key legislative elections take place Sept. 26, and Chavez's party hopes to retain a majority of seats in the National Assembly.
Why can't people just get along?
Sunday, 11 July 2010
The Holy See spent 321 Million dollars last year, and had a deficit of 5.2 million. The talk is how wealthy the church is. Well we have lots of land, but we have no money. Besides the property belongs to the people who make up the church. Just a note of Comparison Benny Hinn take in over 200 million a year.
The Holy See's statement explained that the "negative fluctuations" which had been "suspended" in 2008 were "absorbed" this year. Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi told journalists that these "fluctuations" amounted to between eight and ten million Euro ($10.1-12.6 million).
Expenses largely result from the activities of Vatican dicasteries and other bodies, including Vatican Radio, that "participate in the pastoral care of the Pontiff of the Universal Church."
The Vatican has accounts separate and apart from the Holy See. Experienced a deficit of 9.8 million. Less than half of what was experienced last year.
Among the most notable costs during 2009 were those for a study carried out for a new communications infrastructure, improvements to the Vatican Museums, the care of Vatican patrimony which includes all of the Papal basilicas, security within the Vatican and restructuring of the Vatican Apostolic Library.
The three major sources of income for 2009 were contributions from Peter's Pence of $81.5 million, from the Catholic dioceses of the world of $31.5 million and from other institutions including the Vatican's Institute for Works of Religion (IOR) which donated $63.2 million.
The Holy See's statement explained that the "negative fluctuations" which had been "suspended" in 2008 were "absorbed" this year. Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi told journalists that these "fluctuations" amounted to between eight and ten million Euro ($10.1-12.6 million).
Expenses largely result from the activities of Vatican dicasteries and other bodies, including Vatican Radio, that "participate in the pastoral care of the Pontiff of the Universal Church."
The Vatican has accounts separate and apart from the Holy See. Experienced a deficit of 9.8 million. Less than half of what was experienced last year.
Among the most notable costs during 2009 were those for a study carried out for a new communications infrastructure, improvements to the Vatican Museums, the care of Vatican patrimony which includes all of the Papal basilicas, security within the Vatican and restructuring of the Vatican Apostolic Library.
The three major sources of income for 2009 were contributions from Peter's Pence of $81.5 million, from the Catholic dioceses of the world of $31.5 million and from other institutions including the Vatican's Institute for Works of Religion (IOR) which donated $63.2 million.
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
The Catholic Dutchman and World cup football

If I tell you to back anyone. Don't Because my horse never comes in. I backed England. They Lost. I backed Ghana, They lost, I backed Italy, they lost. I backled Germany .. and they too lost.
Well, there are two choices for the number one team now. .. and I'm not saying that I am backing Holland.... I'm just not saying it.
Interesting though. There is a Dutchman on their team that is a Catholic Convert. Read his story below:
Buenos Aires, Argentina, Jul 6, 2010 / 12:14 pm (CNA).- The Argentinean daily La Nacion featured a story this week on the Dutch soccer player Wesley Sneijder, who scored the winning goal against Brazil in the World Cup quarter finals last week. The article revealed his conversion and baptism, which took place shortly before he traveled to South Africa for the tournament.
In an article entitled, “The Spiritual Goal of a Dutch Soccer Star,” journalist Mariano de Vedia said Sneijder arrived at the World Cup “completely renewed.”
“At the end of May he converted to Catholicism and was baptized in a chapel in Milan, where the brilliant soccer star plays for the Inter Soccer Team, receiving endless accolades. He was influenced in his decision by his girlfriend, Dutch actress and model Yolanthe Cabau, who was born in the Spanish city of Ibiza and who he has decided to marry in the Church after the World Cup ends.
“He was also inspired by his friendship with Javier Zanetti, his teammate and captain for Inter, who is himself a practicing Catholic,” the paper explained.
Sneijder said that he had recently attended a Mass with his teammates and was moved to embrace the faith. He signed up for catechism classes with Inter’s chaplain.
“In South Africa, he said he prays every day and goes to Mass on Sundays and receives Communion with Yolanthe. He wears a Rosary around his neck that she gave him as a gift,” the article states.
“The faith gives me strength,” Sneijder said. “My convictions often keep me strong and give me determination. Everyday I pray the Our Father with her. Before each game I always seek out a place to pray,” the soccer star added.
Sneijder's Dutch team plays against Uruguay later today in the World Cup's semi-finals.
Sunday, 4 July 2010
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