My wife comes home and tells me about a disturbing song that she heard on the radio. It was a song with someone saying the "act of Contrition" and then messing around with it.
SO I decided to hear what she was talking about. I Googled "song lyrics act of contrition". Surprise Surprise! The artiste was/is Madona.
How awful. Do we really need that song on the radio? I must do something about this. I intend to contact the Morning Zoo program on radio 95.1.
Not good.
Monday, 23 April 2012
Friday, 20 April 2012
St Anns Church in St Croix streaming live
St Anns Catholic Church on the island of St Croix (Holy Cross in french), in the US Virgin Islands has an active website and streams mass regularly. To vist their stream link CLICK HERE!

Catholic bishops to address child sex abuse during Guyana confab
Well they are going to discuss much more than just that.... but that was the headline in the Guyana Times dated 20th April 2012. there was no byline. Here is the article:
Roman Catholic bishops will review the region’s programme to protect children from sexual abuse when they meet in Guyana later this month for their annual general meeting.
Sixteen bishops and archbishops, who head the Roman Catholic Church in the English, French and Dutch speaking Caribbean countries from Bermuda and Bahamas to Cayenne and Curacao, will be in Guyana from April 21 to 27 to participate in their annual general meeting. This group known as the Antilles Episcopal Conference (AEC) will be joined by the Papal Representative to the Antilles region, based in Port of Spain, Italian Archbishop Nicola Girasoli.
According to a release, the event will be officially inaugurated with a mass at Brickdam Cathedral at 16:00h on Sunday. Following an old tradition, the most recently ordained bishop in the AEC, Bishop Kenneth Richards of St John’s, Antigua and Basseterre, St Kitts will deliver the homily. The meeting will also welcome two other recently appointed bishops, Archbishop Joseph Harris of Port of Spain, and Bishop Jason Gordon of Bridgetown, Barbados and Kingstown, St Vincent. With these appointments and the upcoming ordination of an auxiliary bishop in Belize, only one of the 19 dioceses in the AEC does not have a bishop resident in the territory.
The inaugural mass will be preceded by a retreat on bishops’ spirituality and followed by a Study Day on Collegiality and cooperation among bishops, both of which will be led by U.S. Emeritus Archbishop of New Orleans Alfred Hughes. On Monday April 23, the president of the Bishops’ Conference, Archbishop Patrick Pinder of Bahamas and Bishop Francis Alleyne of Georgetown will pay a courtesy call on President Donald Ramotar.
Archbishop Girasoli will present his diplomatic credentials as Vatican representative to the government of Guyana the same day. The same afternoon there will be a meeting of the bishops with the local church leadership and diocesan organisation representatives at the St Paul’s Pastoral Centre at Better Hope on the East Coast Demerara.
The working sessions of the bishops will also include a review of plans by the AEC to sponsor the training of a Caribbean team of psychologists, social workers and counsellors in June in Trinidad, who will help in the church’s response to trauma to the victims of the frequent natural and other national and regional disasters such as floods, hurricanes and earthquakes. The one week training seminar will be directed by a top international expert in the field of trauma response. Another item on the agenda is a review of the region wide programme for the protection of God’s children in the region from sexual abuse through ongoing and in-depth training and motivation of all church personnel working with children through the Virtus Programme.
The bishops will finalise plans for the AEC Youth Assembly in St Lucia on July 19 to 29. That event will be attended by more than 1000 English, French and Dutch speaking youths across the region.
This will be immediately followed by a training seminar for Diocesan vocations directors and other vocations promoters from across the region in Castries, St Lucia on July 30 to August 3, which will give serious attention to the challenges posed by the sharp reduction in vocations to the priesthood and religious life, and address creative responses to training vocations promoters and giving greater witness of unity and enthusiasm by Catholics, clergy and laity in attracting vocations to the service of Christ in the people of the region.
Given the renewed priority of sacred scripture, underlined by the 2008 Vatican Synod and emphasised by Pope Benedict XVI on the “Word of God” and similar priority of the 2007 Aparecida Conference in Brazil of the Episcopal Conferences of Latin America and the Caribbean (CELAM), the bishops will discuss ways of promoting reading, meditation and action on the Bible by believers across the region.
About 2.2 million or one quarter of the total population of the countries that make up the AEC are Catholic. This will be the third time in its 64-year history that the AEC will meet in Guyana. The Church in Guyana first hosted a meeting of the group in 1974, and a much shorter forum in 1977.
Decisions are taken at these gatherings to give the Catholic churches in this region an orientation which will make them better able to respond to the realities and expectations of Caribbean peoples.
Last year’s meeting approved a major statement in a pastoral letter on Catholic education, renewing the commitment of the church to education at all levels in the region, and promoting “ongoing faith formation and professional development programmes” for Catholic educators across the region.
Important, landmark documents and decisions have emerged from past meetings of the AEC which dealt with a wide range of issues, including child abuse, capital punishment, care for the environment, justice and peace, and freedom and development.
Roman Catholic bishops will review the region’s programme to protect children from sexual abuse when they meet in Guyana later this month for their annual general meeting.
Sixteen bishops and archbishops, who head the Roman Catholic Church in the English, French and Dutch speaking Caribbean countries from Bermuda and Bahamas to Cayenne and Curacao, will be in Guyana from April 21 to 27 to participate in their annual general meeting. This group known as the Antilles Episcopal Conference (AEC) will be joined by the Papal Representative to the Antilles region, based in Port of Spain, Italian Archbishop Nicola Girasoli.
According to a release, the event will be officially inaugurated with a mass at Brickdam Cathedral at 16:00h on Sunday. Following an old tradition, the most recently ordained bishop in the AEC, Bishop Kenneth Richards of St John’s, Antigua and Basseterre, St Kitts will deliver the homily. The meeting will also welcome two other recently appointed bishops, Archbishop Joseph Harris of Port of Spain, and Bishop Jason Gordon of Bridgetown, Barbados and Kingstown, St Vincent. With these appointments and the upcoming ordination of an auxiliary bishop in Belize, only one of the 19 dioceses in the AEC does not have a bishop resident in the territory.
The inaugural mass will be preceded by a retreat on bishops’ spirituality and followed by a Study Day on Collegiality and cooperation among bishops, both of which will be led by U.S. Emeritus Archbishop of New Orleans Alfred Hughes. On Monday April 23, the president of the Bishops’ Conference, Archbishop Patrick Pinder of Bahamas and Bishop Francis Alleyne of Georgetown will pay a courtesy call on President Donald Ramotar.
Archbishop Girasoli will present his diplomatic credentials as Vatican representative to the government of Guyana the same day. The same afternoon there will be a meeting of the bishops with the local church leadership and diocesan organisation representatives at the St Paul’s Pastoral Centre at Better Hope on the East Coast Demerara.
The working sessions of the bishops will also include a review of plans by the AEC to sponsor the training of a Caribbean team of psychologists, social workers and counsellors in June in Trinidad, who will help in the church’s response to trauma to the victims of the frequent natural and other national and regional disasters such as floods, hurricanes and earthquakes. The one week training seminar will be directed by a top international expert in the field of trauma response. Another item on the agenda is a review of the region wide programme for the protection of God’s children in the region from sexual abuse through ongoing and in-depth training and motivation of all church personnel working with children through the Virtus Programme.
The bishops will finalise plans for the AEC Youth Assembly in St Lucia on July 19 to 29. That event will be attended by more than 1000 English, French and Dutch speaking youths across the region.
This will be immediately followed by a training seminar for Diocesan vocations directors and other vocations promoters from across the region in Castries, St Lucia on July 30 to August 3, which will give serious attention to the challenges posed by the sharp reduction in vocations to the priesthood and religious life, and address creative responses to training vocations promoters and giving greater witness of unity and enthusiasm by Catholics, clergy and laity in attracting vocations to the service of Christ in the people of the region.
Given the renewed priority of sacred scripture, underlined by the 2008 Vatican Synod and emphasised by Pope Benedict XVI on the “Word of God” and similar priority of the 2007 Aparecida Conference in Brazil of the Episcopal Conferences of Latin America and the Caribbean (CELAM), the bishops will discuss ways of promoting reading, meditation and action on the Bible by believers across the region.
About 2.2 million or one quarter of the total population of the countries that make up the AEC are Catholic. This will be the third time in its 64-year history that the AEC will meet in Guyana. The Church in Guyana first hosted a meeting of the group in 1974, and a much shorter forum in 1977.
Decisions are taken at these gatherings to give the Catholic churches in this region an orientation which will make them better able to respond to the realities and expectations of Caribbean peoples.
Last year’s meeting approved a major statement in a pastoral letter on Catholic education, renewing the commitment of the church to education at all levels in the region, and promoting “ongoing faith formation and professional development programmes” for Catholic educators across the region.
Important, landmark documents and decisions have emerged from past meetings of the AEC which dealt with a wide range of issues, including child abuse, capital punishment, care for the environment, justice and peace, and freedom and development.
Friday, 13 April 2012
The Argument against Corpus Christi holiday in Trinidad.
Well, there is an interesting articel by Bridget Brereton in the Trinidad Express newspaper dated April 12, 2012 entitled Of Holidays and Holy days. The Article4 suggests why the Catholic Feast of Corpus Christi should be eliminated. The fact is Ms Brereton, there are many Christian Holidays, but only one Specifically Catholic Holiday. I wish to suggest that we do away with all holidays for the nation.... and it be law that every citizen should take no more than 6 cultural or religious off days for the year. It should be mandatory that all government offices be open on Carnival Monday and Tuesday and the only days that should be public holidays should be Independence day and Republic day.
I am fine with that.
Here is Ms Brereton's article:
I am fine with that.
Here is Ms Brereton's article:
We've just had two long weekends and three public holidays: Spiritual Baptist Liberation Day, Good Friday and Easter Monday. This has prompted some discussion about holidays in the press.
In an interesting article in the Express last week, Robin Montano wrote about this issue. Among other points, he addressed Corpus Christi, which celebrates the Eucharist (Mass), and is important mainly, if not exclusively, to Roman Catholics.
Mr Montano thinks that we have retained this Catholic feast day as a public holiday because of our history. And he is perfectly correct. He was indulging in a bit of myth-making, though, when he wrote that Trinidad's French (Catholic) planters "had inserted into the Treaty of Amiens that…Corpus Christi would be a holiday in the colony from that day on".
Now this Treaty, concluded early in 1802, was a major international agreement between European powers which had been at war, especially Britain, France and Spain. A few French planters in a rather obscure Caribbean island, which had recently been captured by Britain, could hardly have "inserted" anything in such a treaty. Nor would Britain, France or Spain have cared one way or another about the issue.
In fact, the Treaty of Amiens—by which Trinidad was formally ceded by Spain to Britain, and Tobago was "returned" by Britain to France—makes absolutely no mention of Corpus Christi or any other religious festival in Trinidad.
The argument that Corpus Christi was guaranteed for all time as a public holiday is more often made in reference, not to the Treaty of Amiens, but to the Articles of Capitulation (capitulation means surrender). This agreement was made in February 1797 between the Spanish governor and the British commanders after the latter had successfully "taken" Trinidad.
In another recent article, also in the Express, Louis Homer makes this argument, but about Good Friday, not Corpus Christi. He writes that "historians" and "theologians" believe that "it was agreed that Good Friday will always remain a public holiday in keeping with the terms of the Capitulation treaty".
Sadly, this is another myth—though admittedly more plausible than the one about the Treaty of Amiens. The Articles of Capitulation—a document which has been examined by students for many years in various history courses at UWI—makes absolutely no mention of Good Friday, Corpus Christi, or any other holiday or holy day.
But it does include Clause 11, which states: "The free exercise of their religion is allowed to the inhabitants"; and this was indeed an important concession to the Catholic majority in the free population, especially those powerful French planters. Britain was a Protestant power, and in 1797 British Catholics, though no longer actually persecuted, didn't enjoy civil rights, were treated as second-class citizens, and generally viewed with some suspicion.
So Clause 11 was a guarantee to the Catholic landowners and slave owners—whose support the British needed if they were to keep hold of Trinidad in a time of war and revolution in the region—that Britain would not interfere with the exercise of their faith. It's a bit of a stretch to read this clause as guaranteeing Catholic holy days would always remain public holidays, even in an independent Trinidad and Tobago. But Mr Homer writes that the late Archbishop Anthony Pantin did make this claim, quoting him as saying "Good Friday was entrenched in a treaty that makes it mandatory to remain as a public holiday".
Perhaps he did say this, though I've only heard the argument with reference to Corpus Christi. Good Friday doesn't seem to require this rather dubious claim: along with Easter Sunday it's clearly the most important day in the Christian calendar, commemorating the events which lie at the core of the Christian faith. And Christians do form a majority of the national population, counting all the many denominations and varieties, all of which (as far as I know) recognise the Crucifixion and Resurrection as the heart of their creed.
Easter Monday is perhaps more vulnerable as a public holiday; it's become an entirely secular day. But there is the argument that Easter itself falls on a Sunday and so the public holiday must be on the following Monday. And this day is especially important to Tobago, it seems; any attempt to do away with it would be especially resented there.
I agree with Mr Montano that the argument for retaining Corpus Christi as a public holiday is far weaker. This is a holy day significant only to Catholics, it seems. It's been retained, not because of any treaty obligations—we've seen that there are none, and even if there were, they couldn't possibly apply to independent Trinidad and Tobago—but because historically the Catholic Church was the dominant religious body in colonial times. Even after Independence, its clout has ensured that Corpus Christi stayed while Whit Monday, a day of special significance to Pentecostals, was axed a few years ago.
We have far more public holidays relating to the Christian calendar than to that of any other faith. If any of the "Christian" holidays should go, in my view Corpus Christi should be the one.
• Bridget Brereton is Emerita Professor of History at the University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus, and has studied and written about the history of Trinidad and Tobago, and the Caribbean, for many decades
Monday, 9 April 2012
Teaching Religion in Schools????
Well it seems that the minister of Education in Trinidad has decided he would liketo make teaching about religion mandatory in denominational schools. Here is an extract of an article from the Catholic News (April 17 2012) that pretty much expresses my sentiments on the matter:
.....All our country’s festivals and religious observances present wonderful opportunities for all to grow in appreciation of the faith they profess and to grow in appreciation of the faith of others. These opportunities should not be taken for granted.
No doubt, knowledge and respect for the faith of others can be deepened in our society. Schools and educators who value the contribution of religion to our society have taken the initiative to teach about other religions.
The plan by Education Minister Tim Gopeesingh to make teaching about religion mandatory in denominational and State-run schools has received much media attention. The Minister’s proposal has raised several questions which, for the most part, have been well articulated in newspapers columns and on the Internet.
In response to the Minister’s plan the Catholic Education Board of Management has affirmed the need for students to know about other religions that exist in Trinidad and Tobago. The Board notes that teaching about other religions forms part of the Social Studies syllabus and is incorporated into the Religious Education programme in our primary school texts. CEBM is willing to enter into dialogue with the Minister to see how his proposal may complement the work already taking place. He has promised to consult further with the Boards before implementing any new policy.
It ought to be clear even now though that the Church will not agree to “Teaching About Religion”, the term the Minister seems to prefer to Comparative Religion, in our Catholic schools to the detriment or exclusion of teaching of the Catholic faith.
In various ways religion is under attack from the secular society that aims to lessen the role of religious institutions in the society. A generalised teaching of religion seems to play into the hands of secularisation.
But further, it should be clear that the sentimental notion of a “melting pot” is not true to reality. As with matters of race, people come into a proper appreciation and respect of other beliefs as they grow in an appreciation of their own.
But the issue does raise a more fundamental question. What precisely is the Government seeking to correct or bring into balance by the proposed policy?
Newest Catholic Radio Station in the Caribbean - Dominica
this story is from Dominica News Online (thursday 5th April - Author unlisted):
“Dominica Catholic Radio” is now just months away from officially hitting the airwaves.
The new catholic radio station owned by the diocese of Roseau represents the revival of efforts by Dominica’s catholic community to promote evangelization through radio.
It has been running test signals since November 25, 2011 and can be heard live on its website
Director of the Pastoral Centre, Monsignor William John Lewis has been telling Dominica News Online that the Church sees the station as another avenue to make God’s word known to the populace and address the needs of society.
According to Father John Lewis, “the station is going to focus directly on what Catholicism is all about in terms of its foundation and mission.”
He says in addition, programmes which directly influence and respond to the needs of society will also be broadcast, including medical issues, legal aid and family issues.
Service organisations with a keen interest in community service will also be a feature on the station.
The station’s predecessor – Pointe Michel-based Voice of the Islands Radio (VOI) failed, the monsignor admitted because of “financial issues.”
He is optimistic that the new station will avoid those pitfalls.
He highlighted approaches for “Our Catholic Community” that are intended to help the new station survive.
These include limiting its employment to a small cadre of paid staff, sponsorship and programmes run by volunteers.
According to Monsignor John Lewis, the success of the station would depend on the sponsorship of its listeners.
VOI had also to a large extent depended on that kind of sponsorship.
The new broadcasting entity’s current challenges include finding an overall manager and organizing equipment.
It already boasts of having a board of directors, a management team, and an advisory board.
Click link below to visit the website of the new radio station
“Dominica Catholic Radio” is now just months away from officially hitting the airwaves.
The new catholic radio station owned by the diocese of Roseau represents the revival of efforts by Dominica’s catholic community to promote evangelization through radio.
It has been running test signals since November 25, 2011 and can be heard live on its website
Director of the Pastoral Centre, Monsignor William John Lewis has been telling Dominica News Online that the Church sees the station as another avenue to make God’s word known to the populace and address the needs of society.
According to Father John Lewis, “the station is going to focus directly on what Catholicism is all about in terms of its foundation and mission.”
He says in addition, programmes which directly influence and respond to the needs of society will also be broadcast, including medical issues, legal aid and family issues.
Service organisations with a keen interest in community service will also be a feature on the station.
The station’s predecessor – Pointe Michel-based Voice of the Islands Radio (VOI) failed, the monsignor admitted because of “financial issues.”
He is optimistic that the new station will avoid those pitfalls.
He highlighted approaches for “Our Catholic Community” that are intended to help the new station survive.
These include limiting its employment to a small cadre of paid staff, sponsorship and programmes run by volunteers.
According to Monsignor John Lewis, the success of the station would depend on the sponsorship of its listeners.
VOI had also to a large extent depended on that kind of sponsorship.
The new broadcasting entity’s current challenges include finding an overall manager and organizing equipment.
It already boasts of having a board of directors, a management team, and an advisory board.
Click link below to visit the website of the new radio station
Saturday, 7 April 2012
Planning to Leave the Catholic Church
So I read this article about a Researcher who says "survey on why Catholics left church provides insight" and I remembered my own trial of faith.
Years ago I was going out with an Anglican girl who was not strong in her faith but still held on to it. I decided that I needed to know the difference between these two faiths and what issues we could agree on. The more I read the more i wanted to know. And so I read up on other faiths: Christian and non Christian. I got into occult literature and freemason literature. One day I discovered that I truly believed that Jesus went to Egypt and studied to be a magi. While I kept my belief, and prayed to, God the Father, I was ready to leave the Church.
I went to the Cathedral for my farewell Mass... disecting every word coming out from the Priests mouth. I can't remember which Eucharistic prayer was used but I remember the words "FATHER we offer you this...THROUGH your son JESUS... WITH the HOLY SPIRIT... And we Ask the Angels and saints to Prayer for us..." and somewhere there we said the Hail Mary.
It was along way back but at that point I realized that the core of the teachings of the church was right and truth and that many people either did not know or were not interested in finding out the truth.... and so I read and read and read on the Catholic Church. And while today I don't necessarily agree with everything, I accept that obedience is important. You must sacrifice to show love and if the church says that you must were orange on a thursday (the church does not say this) I will wear orange on a thursday to show GOD - not church - that I am willing to do this for HIM.
That was my story. But I began to think of other people who might decide they want to leave the Catholic Church.... well there a websites that encourage people to leave, but I could not find one that offers support to prospective exiters when I googled the words " planning to leave the Catholic Church".
So if you are planning to leave the Catholic Church think about it. Contact me. Leave a message. I will get back to you very soon. Sometimes we get confused or angry. Sometimes we hear alot of anti Catholic Propaganda, So much propaganda that we start to beleive that the Church is not Good. Well, you know what, it has stood for 2000 years despite many issues and still the gates of hell has not prevailed against it.
God Bless you beloved. Write.
Years ago I was going out with an Anglican girl who was not strong in her faith but still held on to it. I decided that I needed to know the difference between these two faiths and what issues we could agree on. The more I read the more i wanted to know. And so I read up on other faiths: Christian and non Christian. I got into occult literature and freemason literature. One day I discovered that I truly believed that Jesus went to Egypt and studied to be a magi. While I kept my belief, and prayed to, God the Father, I was ready to leave the Church.
I went to the Cathedral for my farewell Mass... disecting every word coming out from the Priests mouth. I can't remember which Eucharistic prayer was used but I remember the words "FATHER we offer you this...THROUGH your son JESUS... WITH the HOLY SPIRIT... And we Ask the Angels and saints to Prayer for us..." and somewhere there we said the Hail Mary.
It was along way back but at that point I realized that the core of the teachings of the church was right and truth and that many people either did not know or were not interested in finding out the truth.... and so I read and read and read on the Catholic Church. And while today I don't necessarily agree with everything, I accept that obedience is important. You must sacrifice to show love and if the church says that you must were orange on a thursday (the church does not say this) I will wear orange on a thursday to show GOD - not church - that I am willing to do this for HIM.
That was my story. But I began to think of other people who might decide they want to leave the Catholic Church.... well there a websites that encourage people to leave, but I could not find one that offers support to prospective exiters when I googled the words " planning to leave the Catholic Church".
So if you are planning to leave the Catholic Church think about it. Contact me. Leave a message. I will get back to you very soon. Sometimes we get confused or angry. Sometimes we hear alot of anti Catholic Propaganda, So much propaganda that we start to beleive that the Church is not Good. Well, you know what, it has stood for 2000 years despite many issues and still the gates of hell has not prevailed against it.
God Bless you beloved. Write.
Friday, 6 April 2012
Thursday, 5 April 2012
Good Friday and the Judas Bobolee
BOBOLEE - Noun: A stuffed effigy of Judas which was tied by the neck and dragged through the streets on Good Friday, usually followed by youths with sticks, beating it until it fell apart.
The two photos below are of the St Lucian Road (Diego Martin, Trinidad) Good Friday Bobolee. Photo taken Good Friday (April 6th) 2012

There is a lot of talk in Trinidad about what is Catholic Culture. Some people say that our Culture is Carnival and it is not just a Catholic thing, it is a national thing. But what about the EASTER traditions: Flying Kites; Good Friday Bobolees and other things. Catholic children should be encouraged to make Kites with words proclaiming the greatness of Christ. And while many say the violence of the beating of a Good Friday Bobolee is not a good thing, I say it is. We should be allowed to vent our frustrations.... to quote Cheech and Chong... "it is not healthy to suppress natural bodily functions" and keeping stress in is not good. I saw an interesting article in the Trinidad Express Newspaper on April 10th 2011 written by Louis B Homer. He says this about our catholic Traditions in Trinidad:
As the Church changed its outlook on Good Friday practices, the old legends associated with Good Friday have also dwindled.
BOBOLEE - The only tradition that survived the changes was the creation of the bobolee, a stuffed replica of Judas Iscariot who had betrayed Jesus Christ for 30 pieces of silver. Still in the minds of believers, Judas was a traitor who should be harassed, beaten and despised in the worst way. Effigies of him are hung on light poles and street corners with him wearing rags, and his head covered with a cap. The hanging of the effigies represented the hanging of Judas following his betrayal of his master. The Bible records, "Judas threw the money into the temple and went away. And when he had gone away, he hanged himself." (Matthew 27; 3-10). Children in the old days were encouraged to beat the stuffing out of the effigy.
BLOOD OF JESUS - In Tobago, there is a red physic nut tree (a shrub with toxic seeds) at Golden Lane, the home of Gang Gang Sarah the witch, from which blood would ooze if the branches are cut on Good Friday. "The oil from the fruits of this tree would look like olive oil, and if one decides to uproot the plant they will find coal in the roots instead of soil," said a resident living close to the grave of Sarah.The reality of this century-old legend, according to Penelope Honychurch, is that the seeds from wild physic nut tree (jatropha gossypifolia) resemble olive oil and can be used in the treatment of gripes. The leaves and flowers are a deep purple resembling the colour of blood.
TURNING INTO A FISH - There is also the belief that bathing in the sea at noon on Good Friday is dangerous, because the bather could turn into a fish. This was the belief many years ago. Today, however, sea bathing, whether it be noon or otherwise, is a great pastime among people interested in outdoor life and swimming. On Good Friday, the beaches are packed with people who disregard the legend, calling it "ole talk".
MIDNIGHT GOOD FRIDAY - It was said "if a white sheet was placed against a wall, and with no lights on, viewers would see the image of a coffin with Jesus implanted inside." Another midnight legend has to do with the white of an egg. The egg had to be one laid from a common fowl. The egg must be cracked and the yellow part removed. The white is then placed in a glass of water and, on careful examination, the face of Jesus would be seen. This legend was responsible for an increase in the sale of eggs from home-grown hens.
FOOD - As far as meals were concerned, a traditional meal was devised. It consisted of tinned salmon garnished with olive oil, (then called sweet oil), Cush Cush yam, (no rice) lettuce (no tomatoes) and the meal had to be eaten after noon.
HOT CROSS BUNS - A tradition of serving hot cross buns with a cross at the top emerged. These buns were eaten for breakfast on this day. Those eating the buns had to kiss them before eating and were expected to share one of them with someone, while reciting the "Half for you and half for me. Between us two shall goodwill be."
The two photos below are of the St Lucian Road (Diego Martin, Trinidad) Good Friday Bobolee. Photo taken Good Friday (April 6th) 2012

There is a lot of talk in Trinidad about what is Catholic Culture. Some people say that our Culture is Carnival and it is not just a Catholic thing, it is a national thing. But what about the EASTER traditions: Flying Kites; Good Friday Bobolees and other things. Catholic children should be encouraged to make Kites with words proclaiming the greatness of Christ. And while many say the violence of the beating of a Good Friday Bobolee is not a good thing, I say it is. We should be allowed to vent our frustrations.... to quote Cheech and Chong... "it is not healthy to suppress natural bodily functions" and keeping stress in is not good. I saw an interesting article in the Trinidad Express Newspaper on April 10th 2011 written by Louis B Homer. He says this about our catholic Traditions in Trinidad:
It (Good Friday) used to be a day when silence ruled, socialising was kept to the minimum, and people went about their business in a solemn manner as if in mourning. Traditional Catholics wore black clothing while attending church services, and kept amusement and distractions subdued. Boys were forbidden to whistle on that day and the singing of calypsoes was frowned on. On Good Friday, it was also customary for Catholics to cover their mirrors, extinguish all candles and lamps lit near pictures of Jesus Christ. Church bells were not rung on that day. Instead there was a wooden noise-maker used to replace the sound of the bells, this was called a rah rah.
As the Church changed its outlook on Good Friday practices, the old legends associated with Good Friday have also dwindled.
BOBOLEE - The only tradition that survived the changes was the creation of the bobolee, a stuffed replica of Judas Iscariot who had betrayed Jesus Christ for 30 pieces of silver. Still in the minds of believers, Judas was a traitor who should be harassed, beaten and despised in the worst way. Effigies of him are hung on light poles and street corners with him wearing rags, and his head covered with a cap. The hanging of the effigies represented the hanging of Judas following his betrayal of his master. The Bible records, "Judas threw the money into the temple and went away. And when he had gone away, he hanged himself." (Matthew 27; 3-10). Children in the old days were encouraged to beat the stuffing out of the effigy.
BLOOD OF JESUS - In Tobago, there is a red physic nut tree (a shrub with toxic seeds) at Golden Lane, the home of Gang Gang Sarah the witch, from which blood would ooze if the branches are cut on Good Friday. "The oil from the fruits of this tree would look like olive oil, and if one decides to uproot the plant they will find coal in the roots instead of soil," said a resident living close to the grave of Sarah.The reality of this century-old legend, according to Penelope Honychurch, is that the seeds from wild physic nut tree (jatropha gossypifolia) resemble olive oil and can be used in the treatment of gripes. The leaves and flowers are a deep purple resembling the colour of blood.
TURNING INTO A FISH - There is also the belief that bathing in the sea at noon on Good Friday is dangerous, because the bather could turn into a fish. This was the belief many years ago. Today, however, sea bathing, whether it be noon or otherwise, is a great pastime among people interested in outdoor life and swimming. On Good Friday, the beaches are packed with people who disregard the legend, calling it "ole talk".
MIDNIGHT GOOD FRIDAY - It was said "if a white sheet was placed against a wall, and with no lights on, viewers would see the image of a coffin with Jesus implanted inside." Another midnight legend has to do with the white of an egg. The egg had to be one laid from a common fowl. The egg must be cracked and the yellow part removed. The white is then placed in a glass of water and, on careful examination, the face of Jesus would be seen. This legend was responsible for an increase in the sale of eggs from home-grown hens.
FOOD - As far as meals were concerned, a traditional meal was devised. It consisted of tinned salmon garnished with olive oil, (then called sweet oil), Cush Cush yam, (no rice) lettuce (no tomatoes) and the meal had to be eaten after noon.
HOT CROSS BUNS - A tradition of serving hot cross buns with a cross at the top emerged. These buns were eaten for breakfast on this day. Those eating the buns had to kiss them before eating and were expected to share one of them with someone, while reciting the "Half for you and half for me. Between us two shall goodwill be."
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
Nuncio visits Antigua hearsabout the great Catholic schools dated 4th April 2012
Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda the Hon. W. Baldwin Spencer has pledged to continue working with the Catholic Church in the development of the nation and its people.
During the presentation of credentials of His Excellency Archbishop Nicola Girasoli, as the newly appointed Apostolic Nuncio (Ambassador – Papal representative) for the countries of the Antilles Episcopal Conference, Prime Minister Spencer said that the Church has been a great partner to government in being the moral compass of the nation and a superior force in the provision of quality education to the young people of the nation.
“The Catholic Church in Antigua and Barbuda stands out for the quality education that it provides to the nation of Antigua and Barbuda and I look forward to working closely as Prime Minister and on a personal level with the soon to be ordained Bishop of St. John’s Basseterre – Monsignor Kenneth Richards in furthering our collaboration,” said PM Spencer.
Archbishop Nicola Girasoli, as the papal representative to the countries of the Antilles Episcopal Conference, which includes Antigua and Barbuda, Suriname, Bahamas, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Barbados, and Trinidad & Tobago, is based in Port of Spain, Trinidad. During his visit to the Office of the Prime Minister on Monday, Archbishop Nicola Girasoli also introduced Monsignor Kenneth Richards to Prime Minister Spencer who outlined that he is looking forward to serving in the diocese, which has its seat in Antigua and Barbuda and includes the islands of Saint Kitts, Nevis, Anguilla, Montserrat and the British Virgin Islands.
Prime Minister Spencer along with other Members of Parliament, political leaders from the diocese and Jamaica; birthplace of Monsignor Kenneth Richards and Clergy from the Antilles Episcopal Conference were in attendance at the Ordination of Monsignor Kenneth Richards at the Holy Family Cathedral on Michael’s Mount on Wednesday 8 February.
Bishop-elect Kenneth Richards is a priest from the Archdiocese of Kingston, Jamaica and has served as its Vicar General.
Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda the Hon. W. Baldwin Spencer has pledged to continue working with the Catholic Church in the development of the nation and its people.
During the presentation of credentials of His Excellency Archbishop Nicola Girasoli, as the newly appointed Apostolic Nuncio (Ambassador – Papal representative) for the countries of the Antilles Episcopal Conference, Prime Minister Spencer said that the Church has been a great partner to government in being the moral compass of the nation and a superior force in the provision of quality education to the young people of the nation.
“The Catholic Church in Antigua and Barbuda stands out for the quality education that it provides to the nation of Antigua and Barbuda and I look forward to working closely as Prime Minister and on a personal level with the soon to be ordained Bishop of St. John’s Basseterre – Monsignor Kenneth Richards in furthering our collaboration,” said PM Spencer.
Archbishop Nicola Girasoli, as the papal representative to the countries of the Antilles Episcopal Conference, which includes Antigua and Barbuda, Suriname, Bahamas, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Barbados, and Trinidad & Tobago, is based in Port of Spain, Trinidad. During his visit to the Office of the Prime Minister on Monday, Archbishop Nicola Girasoli also introduced Monsignor Kenneth Richards to Prime Minister Spencer who outlined that he is looking forward to serving in the diocese, which has its seat in Antigua and Barbuda and includes the islands of Saint Kitts, Nevis, Anguilla, Montserrat and the British Virgin Islands.
Prime Minister Spencer along with other Members of Parliament, political leaders from the diocese and Jamaica; birthplace of Monsignor Kenneth Richards and Clergy from the Antilles Episcopal Conference were in attendance at the Ordination of Monsignor Kenneth Richards at the Holy Family Cathedral on Michael’s Mount on Wednesday 8 February.
Bishop-elect Kenneth Richards is a priest from the Archdiocese of Kingston, Jamaica and has served as its Vicar General.
Bajan cropover has an interesting article about Barbados cropover festival dated 4th April 2012. The article portrays the Cropover festival as a cultural thing for Barbados and that the Catholic church approves of it. Well, maybe, I don't know what the cropover is like. Here is the Article:
"Celebration, Creativity, Culture!" are the words a Roman Catholic priest uses to describe the Crop Over Festival. What are we celebrating? What creative energies are being released? What is the meaning of Crop Over to Barbadian culture?
It is telling that the Crop Over Festival climaxes in a massive street celebration. This is Grand Kadooment Day. Crop Over is celebration! Earlier in our history when the annual sugar crop ended, both master and slave celebrated the completion of the sugar harvest. For all, Crop Over signified a temporary respite from the rigours of field work.
Today, Crop Over is a time for making merry. It has become an important psychological and cultural release for the collective soul of Barbadians after decades of cultural silence.
Contemporary Barbadian society is shaped to an important degree by two seminal events which occurred in 20th century; the first is the intense social and political agitation of the 1930's which culminated in the 1937 Riots; the other is the coming of Independence to Barbados in 1966. These two events have helped lay the foundation for the re-emergence of Crop Over as Barbados' major annual cultural festival.
CropOver has allowed Barbadians to shed the myth of their being a reticent, reserved and repressed people, since the festival spirit cuts across all socio-economic levels. The widespread popularity of the festival brings thousands of overseas Bajans back to their homeland for this annual ritual. Increasingly, numerous North American and European tourists come to these shores to share in our legendary Bajan hospitality.
Waldo Walron-Ramsay writes "... that Crop Over lasts for several days, and to that extent it is different in its carnival pattern from the carnival of Trinidad. Ours is more like the African palaver where our ancestors would sit in the baraza or congregate on the plain at the end of the rainy season, and dance to the beat of the haunting sound of the drum; or sing all night; and eat and drink from the bounty of nature herself without caring about tomorrow. Even though they knew that tomorrow would surely come bearing its own share of blessings and woes."
Crop Over is symbolic of the coming of age of Barbados as a nation. It represents the crystallisation of a new cultural consciousness and apprecia tion of things Barbadian.
Along with Crop Over, there has been a growth of professionalism in the local music industry and the rising standard of Barbadian calypso. Since the revival of Crop Over in 1973 by the Tourist Board and the monument contribution made by the National Cultural Foundation to develop the festival to its current international standard, the tourist industry has benefited.
But the spirit of Crop Over and undoubtedly its success owes much to the generous support of the business community which donates cash prizes, provides sponsorship for Crop Over events, costume bands and other festivities.
"....Crop Over is a good medium of cultural expression and social entertainment," writes Father Clement Paul, a Roman Catholic priest. Its impact is like a large catharsis which liberates the Barbadian soul. At this time of year, Crop Over music serves as an antidote to the inflow of foreign culture as local entertainment abounds and the radio airwaves are filled with local music.
From the Ceremonial Delivery Of The Last Canes to the several thousands who will jam the National Stadium for the Pic-0-De-Crop Finals and the thousands more who will "let it all hang out" on Spring Garden on Grand Kadooment Day, let the spirit of Crop Over triumph.
Ceremonial Delivery of the Last Canes
King Sugar ascended its throne in mid-17th century Barbados. The sweet crop reaped lucrative profits and the island's planters allocated most of the available land and labour to the cultivation of sugar cane.
Africans were transported to the island to work the sugar fields. The plantation system built on sugar took root and dominated Barbados' economy for the next 300 years. The Ceremonial Delivery of the Last Canes is a traditional event which marks the close of the annual sugar cane harvest. Today, the Last Canes signals the start of the three week Crop Over Festival.
With the arrival of the last load of canes transported in the traditional manner by donkey cart, the symbolic harvest is blessed by the clergy. Performances are usually given by cultural organisation such as the Barbados Landship as well as youth groups. Recreations of 18th century plantation life, donkey cart rides and traditional Barbadian games also feature prominently at the Last Cane ceremony. The Ceremonial Delivery of the Last Canes is a festive occasion celebrated by folk singing and dancing. It is a fertility ritual in which praise is given to God for the coming of another harvest.
A major highlight of the annual Last Canes ceremony is the announcement of Crop Over's Champion Piler and King of the Crop. The festive occasion continues with a traditional fair complete with local music and delicacies.
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