Monday 7 October 2013

Get married... have children.

Pope Francis uttered these words recently... but not at me. He aimed it at the youth of today. Marriage, he says, is a Vocation. Don't be afraid. Walk with God.

I did my part, for God and country. My wife and I have four children... and many bills.

Praise Gof for what HE has given to me.



  1. I love that! Almost two years ago an elderly lady who had been seeing my frequenting the adoration chapel asked if I had a vocation. I told her yes and smiled, but did not add anything to that smile. A few months later I was married. She looked at my finger and realized that I was married. I don't think she understood that marriage is a vocation too. It's almost two years and our baby girl is 11 weeks!

  2. Hey there Hilary. May God bless you and your family... especially that little one that has such a commanding presence in your life right now.... and for the rest of your life. What Joy you have.
