Saturday 15 May 2010

Stuff in the Cathedral

From my previous postings you would have seen some interesting items at the Cathedral. In future posts I will endevour to show more of these items.

The entrance doors are heavy wooden doors. On one of these doors is a Jubilee Plaque.

As you enter this is the view that hits you.

On the right of the entrance there is a metal installation of Jesus on the cross. Below Him are His Mother and the Apostle John. We can imagine Jesus saying to all of us what He says to John... Behold your Mother. After all, you are in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.

Behind the Altar the huge Stained glass window shows the Saint, Bernadette kneeling in pray to the Virgin. The grotto located in the church shows the same thing. "Hail Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us who have recourse to thee."

Key to every church is the baptismal font. Here we become Christian. Here our children become Christian.

Above the main entrance is the Choir loft. On the loft is the third Pipe organ installed since the Cathedral was dedicated.

Following Vatican II the high Altar was taken down and moved to the location shown here. That is, to the left of the main altar area. The Communion railing was taken down, however, a piece of it was moved to the front of the Altar, which is used now as the tabernacle. Praise you Lord, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


  1. the pics of my home church are gorgeous!! yay!

  2. I think you never saw or heard about church situated in california.
