Well, even if they missed going to church for Christmas, they come to church on January 1st. I'm talking about the church tourists.
Welcome them. Make them feel at home. Encourage them to come again. They just may.. by the Grace of God.
Thursday, 31 December 2009
Monday, 28 December 2009
An Awful situation
Lifesitenews.com reports that a woman from the United States smothered her child to death and was freed of the crime of infanticide because the baby was still attached by the umbilical cord. The following was reported:
"In the state of Virginia as long as the umbilical cord is attached and the placenta is still in the mother, if the baby comes out alive the mother can do whatever she wants to with that baby to kill it," stated investigator Tracy Emerson. "She could shoot the baby, stab the baby. As long as it's still attached to her in some form by umbilical cord or something it's no crime in the state of Virginia."
The baby, who was born full term around 1 a.m. on December 11th, was dead when the police arrived ten hours later. According to the medical examiner, he or she was born healthy. Police say the mother knew she was pregnant and had undergone prenatal care.
While the authorities have seen numerous similar killings, and have sought changes in the law, legislators have not acted thus far because they felt the issue was too close to abortion."
"It appears that action will take place this time around, however. State Senator Steve Newman announced last week that they had begun drafting a bill to protect born babies still attached to the mother.
"It is difficult to believe that the current Code could have such a flaw that would allow anyone to take the life of a born child," he said. "While I will not comment at this time on the case in Campbell County, it is abundantly clear that Virginians will demand a legislative cure to this loophole."
Lets pray that one day soon we may see an end to all these abortions.
"In the state of Virginia as long as the umbilical cord is attached and the placenta is still in the mother, if the baby comes out alive the mother can do whatever she wants to with that baby to kill it," stated investigator Tracy Emerson. "She could shoot the baby, stab the baby. As long as it's still attached to her in some form by umbilical cord or something it's no crime in the state of Virginia."
The baby, who was born full term around 1 a.m. on December 11th, was dead when the police arrived ten hours later. According to the medical examiner, he or she was born healthy. Police say the mother knew she was pregnant and had undergone prenatal care.
While the authorities have seen numerous similar killings, and have sought changes in the law, legislators have not acted thus far because they felt the issue was too close to abortion."
"It appears that action will take place this time around, however. State Senator Steve Newman announced last week that they had begun drafting a bill to protect born babies still attached to the mother.
"It is difficult to believe that the current Code could have such a flaw that would allow anyone to take the life of a born child," he said. "While I will not comment at this time on the case in Campbell County, it is abundantly clear that Virginians will demand a legislative cure to this loophole."
Lets pray that one day soon we may see an end to all these abortions.
Saturday, 26 December 2009
With Passion
So today I am 42 years old. Years ago, I told a friend of mine that I had done nothing special with my life. He laughed. He said to me, that he had known no one who really didn't care about what others thought: That I would dress how I felt, that I would act how I felt, that I was a true rebel and that I lived my life with Passion. I still am not sure I agree with him totally. I do agree that I always felt like an outcast and that I felt proud that I was not part of any opressive or "stuck up' group.
I wanted to play an instrument. I bought a bass guitar. Just before I gave it up to raise a family, I was able to play in front of about 5000 people.
I am published having written about 10 articles for the Catholic News which is distributed to several caribbean countries.
I am the manager of the tallest privately owned buildign in the southern caribbean.
I served on many positions of a small credit union, having chaired 2 AGMs.
I married a fantastic woman and have 4 amazing children.
I suprise myself, when I look back, especially about my comming out as a Catholic. I say that because I was always afraid to commit myself to being an active catholic. You see, I always saw myself as a terrible sinner and not worthy to be a model of His love. I still see myself that way, however I decided that it is good to try and everyday I will get better at it until I make that full comittment.
Now, in 20 years time I see myself as a Galdalf sort of Character. Or Maybe an Obi-Wan type. That is old man with a beard and a walking stick, at peace with the world, but powerful in the (Holy) Spirit and passionate for God's work- That is, by Gods grace.
So Happy Birthday to me... and my God bless me with many more years and lots of passion!
I wanted to play an instrument. I bought a bass guitar. Just before I gave it up to raise a family, I was able to play in front of about 5000 people.
I am published having written about 10 articles for the Catholic News which is distributed to several caribbean countries.
I am the manager of the tallest privately owned buildign in the southern caribbean.
I served on many positions of a small credit union, having chaired 2 AGMs.
I married a fantastic woman and have 4 amazing children.
I suprise myself, when I look back, especially about my comming out as a Catholic. I say that because I was always afraid to commit myself to being an active catholic. You see, I always saw myself as a terrible sinner and not worthy to be a model of His love. I still see myself that way, however I decided that it is good to try and everyday I will get better at it until I make that full comittment.
Now, in 20 years time I see myself as a Galdalf sort of Character. Or Maybe an Obi-Wan type. That is old man with a beard and a walking stick, at peace with the world, but powerful in the (Holy) Spirit and passionate for God's work- That is, by Gods grace.
So Happy Birthday to me... and my God bless me with many more years and lots of passion!
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Tomorrow, He comes
As a typical male I make no excuses for getting my wifes present very late this evening. On the positive side, the ham is done, the Mass is over and the house is ready.
We are awaiting Santa. In fact we are tracking him through Norad. He's still in Europe as I write.
I do have a Chritmas peeve though. I keep seeing Creches with baby Jesus as a part of them before today. He is supposed to be put in the Creche (nativity scene) on Christmas day people.... and stay there for the 12 days of Christmas which ends on January 6th.
In case I don't get a chance to post tomorrow. Merry Christmas All!
We are awaiting Santa. In fact we are tracking him through Norad. He's still in Europe as I write.
I do have a Chritmas peeve though. I keep seeing Creches with baby Jesus as a part of them before today. He is supposed to be put in the Creche (nativity scene) on Christmas day people.... and stay there for the 12 days of Christmas which ends on January 6th.
In case I don't get a chance to post tomorrow. Merry Christmas All!
Monday, 21 December 2009
o come Emmanuel

O come, O come, Emmanuel
And ransom captive Israel
That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appear
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.
O come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free
Thine own from Satan's tyranny
From depths of Hell Thy people save
And give them victory o'er the grave
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.
O come, Thou Day-Spring, come and cheer
Our spirits by Thine advent here
Disperse the gloomy clouds of night
And death's dark shadows put to flight.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.
O come, Thou Key of David, come,
And open wide our heavenly home;
Make safe the way that leads on high,
And close the path to misery.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.
O come, O come, Thou Lord of might,
Who to Thy tribes, on Sinai's height,
In ancient times did'st give the Law,
In cloud, and majesty and awe.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.
Sunday, 20 December 2009
Yonder Breaks a new and glorious morning
Wow! It has been a busy week. So many things happening. I carried my mom to the grocery this evening. The "Hi LO" Supermarket did not have many people. I expect that will change from tomorrow.
I put on some music for the drive home and felt really happy. My mom and I sang "Oh Holy Night" together. It got all filled up. In a little over a week she will be 80 years old. It is a moment I will treasure for the rest of my life, even if I can't get the high notes.
I put on some music for the drive home and felt really happy. My mom and I sang "Oh Holy Night" together. It got all filled up. In a little over a week she will be 80 years old. It is a moment I will treasure for the rest of my life, even if I can't get the high notes.
Sunday, 13 December 2009
all because of Christmas day

Earlier this year I had the joy of seeing my fourth child being borne. It was an amazing thing for me. This thing that was kicking my face as I placed my cheek on my wife’s tummy days before, was wiped and given to my wife to cradle in her arms.
It was definitely a step up from when I brought home my first child. I wouldn’t touch the thing. “Suppose I held it wrong and its head fell off!” I exclaimed. The gathered women laughed and “steupsed” while the older men smiled quietly and knowingly.
By the time my third child was borne, I was an old pro at the game. Nurturing almost always seems to come naturally for women. Men have to learn it, and sometimes it isn’t so easy.
So I wonder how it was for Mary and Joseph. Tradition tells us that Mary was fourteen years old, and that Joseph was in his later years. What was it like 2000 years ago? Did Joseph look upon this child with amazement? Did he help with the baby, knowing that he is the Christ Child, or did he leave that to Mary, and concerned himself with other activities?
God would not have trusted his incarnation with any ole human. He chose those he molded for the purpose. He has molded us too. We have a purpose and it relates to the Christ child too. As we celebrate the birth of the Christ child on Friday, we should celebrate Jesus being reborn in us. Through Jesus we are saved. The promise is fulfilled. The World rejoices.
And all because of Christmas day.
Saturday, 12 December 2009
the homosexual catholic debate
I came across a very interesting debate (of sorts) about Catholics and homosexuality on Lifesite.com . It seems that Fr James Martin advised 5 things that a gay Catholic should not do:
1. Enjoy Romatic Love
2. Marry
3. Adopt a Child
4. Enter a seminary of Religious order
5. Work in the church and be open
Now he bases these items on church teaching. See his blog here: http://www.americamagazine.org/blog/entry.cfm?id=81913739-3048-741E-5405178212524077
His reasoning above refers to Marrying another of the same sex, or enjoying romantic love with the same sex. He even justifies his reason with church doctorine. Before today I did not know that there were paragraphs within the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) that dealt with Homosexuality. See CCC #2357, 2358, 2359.
The argument is a Moral one (and sexual) . It is why we as Catholics seperate boys and girls, and has nothing to do with prejudice. We are told to love the sinner and hate the sin. However, there is a guy from Austrailia who has taken a personal issue with the Father Martin.
John Heard is a blogger and a Catholic and he is gay. He runs a website called dreadnought : http://johnheard.blogspot.com/ John Writes as follows:
"However, and as millions of same sex attracted men and women will attest, the Church offers same sex attracted individuals the same life she offers all men and women: eternal life via the Cross. Those who go about their daily lives, those who go to Mass, and struggle to model obedience, and fail, and try again – these are Christians. That is all, and miraculously. We understand, indeed, that a Christian is not to look for life beyond obedience, rather obedience – even obedience unto death on the Cross – is true life.
The result is not the remains of a life it is life. It is life in Christ, life with Christ."
Straight Ban
Now, for the case of this argument I look at Homosexuality, as I would someone dealing with drug addiction, or sexual addiction. To live straight must be very hard indeed, and even as a straight married man I am called to follow most of those guidelines but in other aspects for example. I cannot show romantic love to anyone else other than my wife.
The new old argument
The new old argument that exists today is that one cannot help being homosexual. It is in the genes, they say. Well, it depends on the University that you read about. The following website gives an interesting view of the arguments for genetic homosexuality and debunks them, refering at times to studies by other universities that prove initial findings to be biased : http://www.trueorigin.org/gaygene01.asp
And if Jesus isn't enough for you
And if living a life in Christ is not good enough there are these guys http://www.narth.com/
1. Enjoy Romatic Love
2. Marry
3. Adopt a Child
4. Enter a seminary of Religious order
5. Work in the church and be open
Now he bases these items on church teaching. See his blog here: http://www.americamagazine.org/blog/entry.cfm?id=81913739-3048-741E-5405178212524077
His reasoning above refers to Marrying another of the same sex, or enjoying romantic love with the same sex. He even justifies his reason with church doctorine. Before today I did not know that there were paragraphs within the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) that dealt with Homosexuality. See CCC #2357, 2358, 2359.
The argument is a Moral one (and sexual) . It is why we as Catholics seperate boys and girls, and has nothing to do with prejudice. We are told to love the sinner and hate the sin. However, there is a guy from Austrailia who has taken a personal issue with the Father Martin.
John Heard is a blogger and a Catholic and he is gay. He runs a website called dreadnought : http://johnheard.blogspot.com/ John Writes as follows:
"However, and as millions of same sex attracted men and women will attest, the Church offers same sex attracted individuals the same life she offers all men and women: eternal life via the Cross. Those who go about their daily lives, those who go to Mass, and struggle to model obedience, and fail, and try again – these are Christians. That is all, and miraculously. We understand, indeed, that a Christian is not to look for life beyond obedience, rather obedience – even obedience unto death on the Cross – is true life.
The result is not the remains of a life it is life. It is life in Christ, life with Christ."
Straight Ban
Now, for the case of this argument I look at Homosexuality, as I would someone dealing with drug addiction, or sexual addiction. To live straight must be very hard indeed, and even as a straight married man I am called to follow most of those guidelines but in other aspects for example. I cannot show romantic love to anyone else other than my wife.
The new old argument
The new old argument that exists today is that one cannot help being homosexual. It is in the genes, they say. Well, it depends on the University that you read about. The following website gives an interesting view of the arguments for genetic homosexuality and debunks them, refering at times to studies by other universities that prove initial findings to be biased : http://www.trueorigin.org/gaygene01.asp
And if Jesus isn't enough for you
And if living a life in Christ is not good enough there are these guys http://www.narth.com/
Friday, 11 December 2009
Happy Baptism Day
Last night there was a meeting between the Cathedral group leaders and Father Assing. It was a good meeting. We were discussing New Evangelization and plans toward bringing people back to church. It is very exciting for me. We would be living out our faith as Jesus commanded: "Go and make disciples of all the nations" ... at least in some small way.
Further to this Father asked us if we knew our baptism day. I didn't. Such an important day for our faith. Only two of the about 30 people seemed to know. Well I know now. My baptism day is January 21st at St Pauls Church.... but I won't be telling you which year...lol!
So if you can remember your baptism day then let me be the first to wish you happy baptism day 2010.
Further to this Father asked us if we knew our baptism day. I didn't. Such an important day for our faith. Only two of the about 30 people seemed to know. Well I know now. My baptism day is January 21st at St Pauls Church.... but I won't be telling you which year...lol!
So if you can remember your baptism day then let me be the first to wish you happy baptism day 2010.
Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Prayer to Our Lady Immaculate
Most holy Virgin, who wast pleasing to the Lord and became His Mother, immaculate in body and spirit, in faith and in love, look kindly on the wretched who implore thy powerful patronage. The wicked serpent, against whom was hurled the first curse, continues fiercely to attack and ensnare the unhappy children of Eve. Do thou, then, O Blessed Mother, our queen and advocate, who from the first instant of thy conception didst crush the head of the enemy, receive the prayers which, united with thee in our single heart, we implore thee to present at the throne of God, that we may never fall into the snares which are laid out for us, and may all arrive at the port of salvationand sing once again the hymn of deliverance and of victory and of peace. Amen. In Thy conception, O Virgin Mary, thou wast immaculate; pray for us to the Father, Whose Son, Jesus Christ conceived of the Holy Ghost, thou didst bring forth. |
Monday, 7 December 2009
Holy Russia.
Peter the Great of Russia is one of my favourite historical people. (Another is Napoleon III of France.) One of Peters quests was to create Russia as the third Rome. When the original Rome fell to invading tribes, Constantinople rose as the new Rome. However, when Constantinople fell in 1453, the leader of the Russians Ivan III married the niece of the last Emperor Constantine XI and proclaimed himself Ceaser (Czar). It was the intention of every Russian ruler after to retake Constantinople. Catherine the Great was probably the closest having conquered vasts amount of Turkish lands, but not Istanbul. It is said that the last Russian Czar was also close when the Ottoman Empire was in its death throws and might have conquorered the area if not for the Russian Revolution of 1917.
Now there is a prophecy, that is given that a third Rome could never stand, however a Russian Monk in the 16th Century proclaimed Russia to be the third Rome. Russia itself tried to live up to that expectation.
Third Rome or not, it is truly good news to hear that the Vatican is developing full diplomatic relations with Moscow.
It is interesting to note that after Christianity and Islam, Athiests rank third in the numbers. Most because of communism and the outlawing of religion in communists states. Due to communism there are lots of hungary souls looking for Salvation in Russia. Many have prayed for the conversion of Russia as requested by the Virgin Mother in Fatima. So, I am sure it is with great joy that both Heaven and Earth welcomes the soon to be re-risen HOLY RUSSIA!
Now there is a prophecy, that is given that a third Rome could never stand, however a Russian Monk in the 16th Century proclaimed Russia to be the third Rome. Russia itself tried to live up to that expectation.
Third Rome or not, it is truly good news to hear that the Vatican is developing full diplomatic relations with Moscow.
It is interesting to note that after Christianity and Islam, Athiests rank third in the numbers. Most because of communism and the outlawing of religion in communists states. Due to communism there are lots of hungary souls looking for Salvation in Russia. Many have prayed for the conversion of Russia as requested by the Virgin Mother in Fatima. So, I am sure it is with great joy that both Heaven and Earth welcomes the soon to be re-risen HOLY RUSSIA!
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Catholic Village
A catholic village. What an idea! The artcile in todays Catholic News talks about a Catholic Village to highlight Catholicism. I think it is a great idea. I'm looking foward to the restaurants. http://www.catholicnews-tt.net/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1124:front061209-1&catid=34:frontpage&Itemid=61
Friday, 4 December 2009
first friday
It is the first friday in December. It is also the first friday of the rest of my life. Woo Hoo! Gotta live!
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Brain and chips
Well it's not like Fish and Chips. It's like computer chips. Intel is researching the posibility of installing chips in peoples brains. The idea being explored would result in people surfing the internet by thought. Maybe it's a good thing. It would force us to keep God on our minds. A wrong thought and up pops a webpage that could be very embarassing.
Sunday, 29 November 2009
It's the first sunday in Advent - Cycle C. Today I start my blog.
It was truly a pleasure to see the wife of the Prime Minister of Samoa at our Cathedral this morning. The Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting had many world leaders. Praise God that at least one of these leaders has someone of significance in their family who thinks it necessary to keep her sunday obligation. .. no matter what. I pray for that strength .
It was truly a pleasure to see the wife of the Prime Minister of Samoa at our Cathedral this morning. The Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting had many world leaders. Praise God that at least one of these leaders has someone of significance in their family who thinks it necessary to keep her sunday obligation. .. no matter what. I pray for that strength .
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