Saturday 13 February 2010

Bacchanal in Costa Rica

OK! This is a good example of what not to do in the name of love... other than kidnap Haitian children.

So there is this divorced Catholic guy who is running for President of Costa Rica. His girlfriend goes up for our Lord (Eucharist) and breaks a piece off to carry for the presidential canidate. Notice, he does not present himself for Eucharist.

The Costa Rican media keeps showing footage of the Mass where this happened. Apparently, she said something to the Archbishop, and thought that he had agreed with her request to "Share the Blessing of Eucharist" with her love. Then she went back to the Pew and put the piece of Eucharist in his shirt pocket.

For her part she says that she never meant to "disrespect the Catholic church" and that she wanted her love to "carry a piece of God in his heart"

Can't you just hear the worlds smallest violin playing "my heart bleeds for you"... Comon lady! Give us a break. You desecrated the Eucharist. You are not a minister to distibute the Eucharist and even if you were, he is divorsed. Sigh!

Well the question is: Will this little event cost Mr Guevara the election, and if it does how will his handlers view this chick. Will they be together for much longer? What will happen to her? One thing thats sure is that the Costa Rican public is mad as hell.

Poor girl. Jesus enlighten her that she may come to a full realisation of what she has done and give her wisdom that she may never make such a mistake again.

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