Today I feel like this poem says:
coming home so weary,
working nine to five
with the feeling I must be
the most exhausted Dad alive.
greeted with the knowledge
my dishwasher's on the blink
seeing an avalanche of dirty dishes
piled up in the sink.
how will I ever do it, Lord?
then I feel the answering tug
of a little hand, reaching out for me
God's love within my daughter's hug.
by Deborah P Kolodji
Thank You Jesus.
Thursday, 29 December 2011
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
The catholic church - builder of civilization
Episode 1 - Introduction
Episode 2 - The Church and Science
Episode 3 - Priests as Scientific Pioneers
Episode 4 - The Galileo Case
Episode 5 - The University System
Episode 6 - Does God Exist???
Episode 7 - The Monks
Episode 8 - Catholic Charity
Episode 9 - Western Morality
Episode 10 - Concept of Rights and Law
Episode 11 - Origins of International Law
Episode 12 - Anti-Catholic Atrocities
Episode 13 - Wrap up
Episode 2 - The Church and Science
Episode 3 - Priests as Scientific Pioneers
Episode 4 - The Galileo Case
Episode 5 - The University System
Episode 6 - Does God Exist???
Episode 7 - The Monks
Episode 8 - Catholic Charity
Episode 9 - Western Morality
Episode 10 - Concept of Rights and Law
Episode 11 - Origins of International Law
Episode 12 - Anti-Catholic Atrocities
Episode 13 - Wrap up
December 28th - the fourth day of Christmas
On the fourth day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree.
Wel, I did not receive any of these things. but that ok.... it does not change the fact that it is indeed the fourth day of Christmas. Today is also the solemnity of the slaughter of the Innocents - here is Trinidad, the children carry their toys to Mass for them (and their toys) to be blessed. It is a good thing.
O! hold on a minute it is 8:00pm.... so I guess its not the 4th day of Christmas... it's fourth NIGHT.
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
Catholic birthday / Christmas gifts - a spiritual bouquet
The Spiritual Bouquet. A great idea for gift giving.
Recently I racked my brain for a gift idea for a couple who I believe needs nothing. My wife and I gave it so much thought: Wine; books; clothes; functional crockery; paintings; or electronics. We could not agree on what would be a good gift for this couple. We did agreed that it should be something special.
After praying about it, an idea came to give the gift of a spiritual bouquet in the form of Masses being offered. Such a gift is not for the physical world but the spiritual. Prayers for oneself, our special intentions or that of others are so important. Prayers offered in the Mass, by a holy man is even more effective. The Bible talks about offering prayers:
The Church tells us to offer Masses and the effectiveness of this act to lessen our time in purgatory and help us in our requests to God - remembering that the Mass is offered To the father, Through the Son, With the Spirit, asking the Angels, Saints and Virgin to pray for us:
Lastly, the giving of a gift of a Mass, is good financial move. For every Mass offered a donation must be made to the church. Many churches have a suggested donation figure. More masses offered would mean more money in the coffers of the church to maintain the good works that are done by the church... for the upkeep of the buildings, parish and laypersons who labour in the "vineyard". God knows money is always needed for these and other works.
Recently I racked my brain for a gift idea for a couple who I believe needs nothing. My wife and I gave it so much thought: Wine; books; clothes; functional crockery; paintings; or electronics. We could not agree on what would be a good gift for this couple. We did agreed that it should be something special.
After praying about it, an idea came to give the gift of a spiritual bouquet in the form of Masses being offered. Such a gift is not for the physical world but the spiritual. Prayers for oneself, our special intentions or that of others are so important. Prayers offered in the Mass, by a holy man is even more effective. The Bible talks about offering prayers:
Job 42:10 - And the Lord restored the fortunes of Job, when he had prayed for his friends. And the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.
1 Timothy 2:1 - First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people,
Philippians 4:6 - Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
James 5:16 - Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.
John 14:13 - Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
The Church tells us to offer Masses and the effectiveness of this act to lessen our time in purgatory and help us in our requests to God - remembering that the Mass is offered To the father, Through the Son, With the Spirit, asking the Angels, Saints and Virgin to pray for us:
"In the celebration of the Eucharistic Sacrifice, the Church prays that God, the Father of mercies, will grant His children the fullness of the Holy Spirit so that they may become one body and one spirit in Christ. In raising this prayer to the Father of lights, from whom comes every good endowment and every perfect gift, the Church believes that she will be heard, for she prays in union with Christ her Head and Spouse, who takes up this plea of His Bride and joins it to His own redemptive sacrifice" JPII
"The Holy Mass would be of greater profit if people had it offered in their lifetime, rather than having it celebrated for the relief of their souls after death." Pope Benedict XV
“A single Mass offered for oneself during life may be worth more than a thousand celebrated for the same intention after your death. The merit of the Masses we have offered for ourselves during life will obtain for us a higher degree of glory in Heaven.” – Saint Anselm (Doctor of the Church)
Lastly, the giving of a gift of a Mass, is good financial move. For every Mass offered a donation must be made to the church. Many churches have a suggested donation figure. More masses offered would mean more money in the coffers of the church to maintain the good works that are done by the church... for the upkeep of the buildings, parish and laypersons who labour in the "vineyard". God knows money is always needed for these and other works.
Monday, 26 December 2011
Create Holy Doctors, Holy Lawyers, Holy Engineers.
Years ago I put a chain over my open palm and was told that I would have a daughter and a son. A decade later, after having my daughter and my Son I asked God to grant me another Son that my family name would be carried on and I would by His grace, have one who would become a priest. What a great thing, for one to have a child take Holy orders.
Another Decade Later, my wife and I have four children - A girl and three boys. I have no expectations for my children, other than to become good citizens and good people, what ever course they take. The local saying is that "we make our children, not their minds". It refers to children doing what they want in life, even after the parent has planned another direction for them. So I don't plan. They have ideas about what they want to do in life and I support and pray, as does my wife.
If all my children take Holy orders I would be disappointed not to have grand children, but I would be so proud of them. Archbishop Harris in a homily at the church of Saint Phillip and St James in Chaguanas on December 17th (and reported in the Catholic news of Christmas day) says that Catholics might just be about 19% of the local population based on the recent census. he urged parishioners to encourage young men to consider priesthood. “The priesthood is an endangered species but the Church cannot exist without priests. Pray that your son becomes a priest. Help him imagine himself as a priest.” Parents often encouraged their children to become lawyers, doctors, engineers or other professionals for the financial benefits, he added. “But we need to pray that they become holy doctors, holy lawyers or holy engineers,” so that they could give back to society.
I pray that too Father.
Another Decade Later, my wife and I have four children - A girl and three boys. I have no expectations for my children, other than to become good citizens and good people, what ever course they take. The local saying is that "we make our children, not their minds". It refers to children doing what they want in life, even after the parent has planned another direction for them. So I don't plan. They have ideas about what they want to do in life and I support and pray, as does my wife.
If all my children take Holy orders I would be disappointed not to have grand children, but I would be so proud of them. Archbishop Harris in a homily at the church of Saint Phillip and St James in Chaguanas on December 17th (and reported in the Catholic news of Christmas day) says that Catholics might just be about 19% of the local population based on the recent census. he urged parishioners to encourage young men to consider priesthood. “The priesthood is an endangered species but the Church cannot exist without priests. Pray that your son becomes a priest. Help him imagine himself as a priest.” Parents often encouraged their children to become lawyers, doctors, engineers or other professionals for the financial benefits, he added. “But we need to pray that they become holy doctors, holy lawyers or holy engineers,” so that they could give back to society.
I pray that too Father.
Archbishop of Port of Spain Christmas Message 2011
The following Message was taken from the Website (and the Catholic News) for the Archdiocese of Port of Spain.
Also taken from the Archdiocese website:
Well, Happy Birthday Archbishop Gilbert. We share a great birthday - the feast of St Steven.
Once again we have come around to the celebration of Christmas, which unlike what some persons would like us to believe, is not a secular feast. It is the celebration of the birthday of Jesus Christ, for us Christians, our Lord and saviour. The Gospel of St. John tells us that “he came to his own and his own did not receive him but to all who did receive him he gave power to become children of God.” They did not receive him I suppose because they did not recognise him. Who would have thought that the infant wrapped in swaddling clothes was in fact the Son of God yet this infant was in fact Emmanuel God with us.
We celebrate this feast in the midst of trying times for the country. We have just ended the state of emergency, an alleged assassination plot against government figures, threats of industrial unrest and murders which appear to be on the rise again. We must ask ourselves to what does this feast call us. It cannot be that we are simply called to have a good time. That we will do, but we must ask ourselves what gift do we bring to the One whose birthday we celebrate? For us who believe, to those whom he gave the power to become children of God, like the child of God par excellence we have to be Emmanuel, God with us, for all those with whom we come into contact. Like Emmanuel we must bring the love of God to all people, a love not expressed simply in words but much more in action. And this we must do not only at Christmas time but all the year round. This is the gift which the Lord whose birthday we celebrate wants. If we give him this gift we will be doing our land a great favour.
To every single person in this land, a safe, happy and holy Christmas and a New Year filled with God’s richest blessings.
+ Joseph,
Archbishop of Port of Spain
Also taken from the Archdiocese website:
I wish you all a blessed Christmas. May the peace of the Christ Child remain with us all beyond the Christmas season.The Christmas Cycle of the Liturgical Year embraces a number of major themes in Catholic spirituality: the Birth of the Lord, the Feast of the Holy Family (Friday 30), the Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God (Sunday, Jan 1) and the Epiphany of the Lord (Sunday, Jan 8). The Christmas cycle closes on Monday, January 9 with the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. I ask your continued prayer for Archbishop Gilbert who is recuperating from surgery and will celebrate his 75th birthday on December 26.
I thank you for your usual generosity to the clergy of the archdiocese at this time and for your continuing response to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal.
Well, Happy Birthday Archbishop Gilbert. We share a great birthday - the feast of St Steven.
Saturday, 24 December 2011
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
One year till the end of time
Well, What do you think about that headline? Is it all a lot of baloney? Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe you should be preparing to meet Jesus. Scratch that. You should be preparing to meet Jesus. Even if the world does not end a year from today, we all, as Christians, should be preparing to meet Jesus. You never know when it's your turn to die.
Despite end times and end time prophecies, we still have to pay bills. At least, until that very day. So we give to Ceasar what belongs to Ceasar, and we march on in this life, giving praise to God and proclaiming our faith.
And when the end of the world comes.... well, we begin another in joy.
Despite end times and end time prophecies, we still have to pay bills. At least, until that very day. So we give to Ceasar what belongs to Ceasar, and we march on in this life, giving praise to God and proclaiming our faith.
And when the end of the world comes.... well, we begin another in joy.
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Father Sumich in Trinidad.

Today I met a very interesting man. Father Antony Sumich. He is the rector at St Gregory's Academy and belongs to the Priestly Society of Saint Peter. A remarkable man. Rigid in his belief. Strong in his faith. A directional light for an accommodating world. The above photo was taken from
Wiki has this about the Priestly Society of Saint Peter: The F.S.S.P. was established on July 18, 1988 at the Abbey of Hauterive, Switzerland by twelve priests and a score of seminarians, led by Father Josef Bisig, all of whom had formerly belonged to Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's Society of St. Pius X; they were unwilling to follow that movement into what the Congregation for Bishops and Pope John Paul II defined to be a schismatic act and grounds for excommunication latæ sententiæ due to the consecration of four bishops without a papal mandate.Father Josef Bisig became the Fraternity's first superior general.
These priests say Mass the old way. That is, how it was said before Vatican II. It is the only way they say Mass. The old Mass has returned with variations, but their version of the Mass is really OLD SCHOOL.
Wiki describes this guy and who he is: Antony Sumich, F.S.S.P. (born 1964 in Auckland, New Zealand) is a former international Rugby Union and Cricket player for Croatia, skiing instructor and Rugby coach, and is now a Catholic priest of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter. Sumich was educated at St Peter's College, Auckland and he completed his training as a civil engineer in Auckland in the 1980s. In 1989 he relocated to Europe, intending to live in Croatia, but because of the war there, he went to Austria and worked there for eight winters as a ski instructer, and elsewhere in Europe while coaching rugby. After the war, he became the coach of the Croatian national rugby team . He also played Cricket for Croatia, being a member of the Croatian National Cricket team in 2001. he was introduced to the "awe-inspiring" Tridentine Mass celebrated by Father Denzil Meuli at Titirangi. Sumich "felt God's call and sought an order using this rite". He was accepted by the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter and went to their formation house, the International Seminary of St. Peter in Wigratzbad-Opfenbach, Bavaria, but he did most of his studies in Denton, Nebraska at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary. After his priestly ordination he was stationed in Orlu, Nigeria where he had also served following his ordination as a deacon.
I wish to say that I had a great discussion with this fascinating man.
God Bless you Father.
Monday, 19 December 2011
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Mary realises she's pregant
French Right Wing Catholics Vs French theatre
Well, When we talk about the church Militant, we are talking about the church on earth, not the Military. It would seem though that there are some very angry Catholics in France who have had enough of turning the other cheek and have chosen to act violently. This is not what Christianity is about. The story in ther UK Guardian pf December 8th gives the story:
One of Paris's most prestigious theatres was being protected by riot police and guard-dog patrols on Thursday after it became the latest target in a wave of Catholic protests across France against so-called "blasphemous" plays.
The head of the Théâtre du Rond-Point on the Champs-Elysées complained of death threats in the runup to Thursday's premiere of the play Golgota Picnic by the Madrid-based, Argentinian writer Rodrigo García. Two men reported to have links to fundamentalist Catholic groups were arrested at the weekend while attempting to disable the theatre's security system.
Several Catholic groups have called for peaceful demonstrations, prayer-vigils and the laying down of white flowers outside the building every night the play is shown, while the archbishop of Paris will lead protest prayers against the play at Notre Dame Cathedral.
The demonstrations over Golgota Picnic come after a rise in fundamentalist religious protest action against some of France's most high-profile theatres, including pelting the audience with eggs, letting off stinkbombs and the invasion of the stage of Paris's esteemed Théâtre de la Ville mid-performance by outraged Catholics carrying banners reading "Stop Christianophobia".
Earlier this year, young French fundamentalist Catholics staged an unprecedented attack on a gallery in Avignon, slashing photographs including Piss Christ by the New York artist Andres Serrano. More peaceful Catholic protests outside theatres, including young people kneeling with wooden crosses outside venues from Lille to Toulouse, have led the French culture pages to question the rise in rightwing and nationalist feeling among hardline Christian groups.
Paris remains sensitive about Christian demonstrations since the fire-bombing of a cinema showing Martin Scorsese's The Last Temptation of Christ in 1988. Political commentators have speculated that some traditionalist Catholics in the demonstrations had broken off from the Front National after the leadership was taken over by Jean-Marie Le Pen's daughter Marine.
Golgota Picnic, which takes place on a stage strewn with burger buns, has several religious references including readings and a crucifixion scene. But Paris theatre critics said it was absurd to call it anti-Catholic or blasphemous and questioned whether its religious critics had actually seen it.
Yet in a move that went further than the recent protests over Théâtre de la Ville's staging of On the Concept of the Face, Regarding the Son of God by the Italian Romeo Castellucci, Paris's archbishop, André Vingt-Trois, deemed Golgota Picnic, which he had not seen, "deliberately offensive" and said he would lead a protest prayer at Notre Dame.
Jean-Michel Ribes, head of the Théâtre de Rond-Point, appealed for calm. He said: "The Théâtre du Rond-Point isn't an anti-Christian, anti-Muslim or anti-Jewish place." But he said the role of artists was to fight against "suffocating dogma". Theatregoers have been advised to arrive an hour early to get through the airport-style security before reaching their seats.
Paris city hall's art supremos rushed to defend the theatre community against what it said was fundamentalists holding art to ransom, saying a "silent minority" of Catholics did not share the notion of making threats or stifling freedom of expression.
Civitas, a lobby group that says it aims to re-Christianise France, has called for a large, peaceful street demonstration "against Christianophobia" this weekend.
Monday, 12 December 2011
A popular post that gets lots of hits is called "Enoch and the Arch Angels". "Archangels" is the word that is most often used to link to my page. There seems to be a facination about angels. Apperrently there are nine Choirs of Angels. lists them as follows:
These are the highest order or choir of angels. They are the angels who are attendants or guardians before God's throne. They praise God, calling, "Holy Holy Holy is the Lord of Hosts". the only Bible reference is Isaiah 6:1-7. One of them touched Isaiah's lips with a live coal from the altar, cleansing him from sin. Seraphim have six wings, two cover their faces, two cover their feet, and two are for flying.
Cherubim rank after the seraphim and are the second highest in the nine hierarchies or choirs of angels. The Old Testament does not reveal any evidence that the Jews considered them as intercessors or helpers of God. They were closely linked in God's glory. They are manlike in appearance and double-winged and were guardians of God's glory. They symbolized then, God's power and mobility. In the New Testament, they are alluded to as celestial attendants in the Apocalypse (Rv 4-6). Catholic tradition describes them as angels who have an intimate knowledge of God and continually praise Him.
Thrones are the Angels of pure Humility, Peace and Submisssion. They reside in the area of the cosmos where material form begins to take shape. The lower Choir of Angels need the Thrones to access God.
Dominions are Angels of Leadership. They regulate the duties of the angels, making known the commands of God.
Virtues are known as the Spirits of Motion and control the elements. They are sometimes referred to as "the shining ones." They govern all nature. They have control over seasons, stars, moon; even the sun is subject to their command. They are also in charge of miracles and provide courage, grace, and valor.
Powers are Warrior Angels against evil defending the cosmos and humans. They are known as potentates. They fight against evil spirits who attempt to wreak chaos through human beings. The chief is said to be either Samael or Camael, both angels of darkness.
Archangels are generally taken to mean "chief or leading angel" ( Jude 9; 1 Thes 4:16), they are the most frequently mentioned throughout the Bible. They may be of this or other hierarchies as St. Michael Archangel, who is a princely Seraph. The Archangels have a unique role as God's messenger to the people at critical times in history and salvation (Tb 12:6, 15; Jn 5:4; Rv 12:7-9) as in The Annunciation and Apocalypse. A feast day celebrating the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael is celebrated throughout the Church Sep 29. A special part of the Byzantine Liturgy invokes the "Cherubic Hymn" which celebrates these archangels and the guardian angels particularly. Of special significance is St. Michael as he has been invoked as patron and protector by the Church from the time of the Apostles. The Eastern Rite and many others place him over all the angels, as Prince of the Seraphim. He is described as the "chief of princes" and as the leader of the forces of heaven in their triumph over Satan and his followers. The angel Gabriel first appeared in the Old Testament in the prophesies of Daniel, he announced the prophecy of 70 weeks (Dn 9:21-27). He appeared to Zechariah to announce the birth of St. John the Baptist (Lk 1:11). It was also Gabriel which proclaimed the Annunciation of Mary to be the mother of our Lord and Saviour. (Lk 1:26) The angel Raphael first appeared in the book of Tobit (Tobias)Tb 3:25, 5:5-28, 6-12). He announces "I am the Angel Raphael, one of the seven who stand before the throne of God." (Tb 12:15)
In the New Testament Principalities refers to one type of spiritual (metaphysical) being which are now quite hostile to God and human beings. (Rom 8:38; 1 Cor 15:24; Eph 1:21; 3:10; 6:12; Col 1:16; 2:10, 15) Along with the principalities are the powers (Rom 8:38; 1 Cor 15:24; Eph 1:21; 1 Pt 3:22; 2 Thes 1:7); and cosmological powers (1 Cor 15:24; Eph 1:21; 3:10; Col 2:15);Dominions (Eph 1:21; Col 1:16) and thrones (Col1:16). The clarity of the New Testament witness helps see that these beings were created through Christ and for Him (Col 1:16). Given their hostility to God and humans due to sin, Christ's ultimate rule over them (ibid) expresses the reign of the Lord over all in the cosmos. This is the Lordship of Christ, which reveals God's tremendous salvation in conquering sin and death at the cross, and now takes place in the Church. (Eph 3:10)
These angels are closest to the material world and human begins. They deliver the prayers to God and God's answers and other messages to humans. Angels have the capacity to access any and all other Angels at any time. They are the most caring and social to assist those who ask for help.
These are the highest order or choir of angels. They are the angels who are attendants or guardians before God's throne. They praise God, calling, "Holy Holy Holy is the Lord of Hosts". the only Bible reference is Isaiah 6:1-7. One of them touched Isaiah's lips with a live coal from the altar, cleansing him from sin. Seraphim have six wings, two cover their faces, two cover their feet, and two are for flying.
Cherubim rank after the seraphim and are the second highest in the nine hierarchies or choirs of angels. The Old Testament does not reveal any evidence that the Jews considered them as intercessors or helpers of God. They were closely linked in God's glory. They are manlike in appearance and double-winged and were guardians of God's glory. They symbolized then, God's power and mobility. In the New Testament, they are alluded to as celestial attendants in the Apocalypse (Rv 4-6). Catholic tradition describes them as angels who have an intimate knowledge of God and continually praise Him.
Thrones are the Angels of pure Humility, Peace and Submisssion. They reside in the area of the cosmos where material form begins to take shape. The lower Choir of Angels need the Thrones to access God.
Dominions are Angels of Leadership. They regulate the duties of the angels, making known the commands of God.
Virtues are known as the Spirits of Motion and control the elements. They are sometimes referred to as "the shining ones." They govern all nature. They have control over seasons, stars, moon; even the sun is subject to their command. They are also in charge of miracles and provide courage, grace, and valor.
Powers are Warrior Angels against evil defending the cosmos and humans. They are known as potentates. They fight against evil spirits who attempt to wreak chaos through human beings. The chief is said to be either Samael or Camael, both angels of darkness.
Archangels are generally taken to mean "chief or leading angel" ( Jude 9; 1 Thes 4:16), they are the most frequently mentioned throughout the Bible. They may be of this or other hierarchies as St. Michael Archangel, who is a princely Seraph. The Archangels have a unique role as God's messenger to the people at critical times in history and salvation (Tb 12:6, 15; Jn 5:4; Rv 12:7-9) as in The Annunciation and Apocalypse. A feast day celebrating the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael is celebrated throughout the Church Sep 29. A special part of the Byzantine Liturgy invokes the "Cherubic Hymn" which celebrates these archangels and the guardian angels particularly. Of special significance is St. Michael as he has been invoked as patron and protector by the Church from the time of the Apostles. The Eastern Rite and many others place him over all the angels, as Prince of the Seraphim. He is described as the "chief of princes" and as the leader of the forces of heaven in their triumph over Satan and his followers. The angel Gabriel first appeared in the Old Testament in the prophesies of Daniel, he announced the prophecy of 70 weeks (Dn 9:21-27). He appeared to Zechariah to announce the birth of St. John the Baptist (Lk 1:11). It was also Gabriel which proclaimed the Annunciation of Mary to be the mother of our Lord and Saviour. (Lk 1:26) The angel Raphael first appeared in the book of Tobit (Tobias)Tb 3:25, 5:5-28, 6-12). He announces "I am the Angel Raphael, one of the seven who stand before the throne of God." (Tb 12:15)
In the New Testament Principalities refers to one type of spiritual (metaphysical) being which are now quite hostile to God and human beings. (Rom 8:38; 1 Cor 15:24; Eph 1:21; 3:10; 6:12; Col 1:16; 2:10, 15) Along with the principalities are the powers (Rom 8:38; 1 Cor 15:24; Eph 1:21; 1 Pt 3:22; 2 Thes 1:7); and cosmological powers (1 Cor 15:24; Eph 1:21; 3:10; Col 2:15);Dominions (Eph 1:21; Col 1:16) and thrones (Col1:16). The clarity of the New Testament witness helps see that these beings were created through Christ and for Him (Col 1:16). Given their hostility to God and humans due to sin, Christ's ultimate rule over them (ibid) expresses the reign of the Lord over all in the cosmos. This is the Lordship of Christ, which reveals God's tremendous salvation in conquering sin and death at the cross, and now takes place in the Church. (Eph 3:10)
These angels are closest to the material world and human begins. They deliver the prayers to God and God's answers and other messages to humans. Angels have the capacity to access any and all other Angels at any time. They are the most caring and social to assist those who ask for help.
The Pope was at a Christmas-tree lighting recently when he identified his Christmas Wish list. Now, I don't know if Santa can get these gifts. If he does, then I hope he brings me what I am asking for. Hmmm! Maybe I should just ask the Big Guy in Heaven rather than the Fat Guy in the North Pole. Anyhoo, here according to Zenit News is the Popes 2011 Christmas Wish list:
"My first wish, therefore, is that our gaze, that of our minds and our hearts, not rest only on the horizon of this world, on its material things, but that in some way, like this tree that tends upward, it be directed toward God. God never forgets us but He also asks that we don't forget Him."
"My second wish is that we recall that we also need a light to illumine the path of our lives and to give us hope, especially in this time in which we feel so greatly the weight of difficulties, of problems, of suffering, and it seems that we are enshrouded in a veil of darkness. But what light can truly illuminate our hearts and give us a firm and sure hope? It is the Child whom we contemplate on Christmas, in a poor and humble manger, because He is the Lord who draws near to each of us and asks that we receive Him anew in our lives, asks us to want Him, to trust in Him, to feel His presence, that He is accompanying us, sustaining us, and helping us."
"This great tree is formed of many lights. My final wish is that each of us contribute something of that light to the spheres in which we live: our families, our jobs, our neighborhoods, towns, and cities."
Jain, Jain, Jain....
Well, that's how the old Jefferson Starship song goes.
Zenit news in a december 9th article says that the Vatican is "noting satisfaction over the "mutual respect and friendship" between Christians and followers of the Jain religion."
Well in the grand scheme of things there aren't very many Jainist around: About 4.2 million. Well, size does not matter. Love does.
Apparently the Church (Vatican) has been in dialogue with the Jainists since 1985 and continue to dialogue.
A comunique from The Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue noted the items of agreement and principles for working together.
Well, So much for the Jefferson Starship... I gotta read up some more on these Jainists.
Zenit news in a december 9th article says that the Vatican is "noting satisfaction over the "mutual respect and friendship" between Christians and followers of the Jain religion."
Well in the grand scheme of things there aren't very many Jainist around: About 4.2 million. Well, size does not matter. Love does.
Apparently the Church (Vatican) has been in dialogue with the Jainists since 1985 and continue to dialogue.
A comunique from The Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue noted the items of agreement and principles for working together.
The delegations discussed the Jain principle of "non-violence" (Ahimsa) and that of Christian "charity," "with an aim to find concrete areas of convergence as the basis of collaboration."
"They found some common elements that can motivate and sustain Jain-Catholic collaboration, recognizing the differences between the two principles," ...
"They also recognized that these elements, on a practical level, call upon the followers of both the traditions to promote mutual respect, truthfulness, honesty, freedom, peace, social harmony and to commit themselves to eliminate every form of violence against human beings, in particular injustice, poverty and exploitation of natural resources."
Well, So much for the Jefferson Starship... I gotta read up some more on these Jainists.
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Happy Feast Day Cathedral
The Immaculate Conception
Most of what we know about Mary's parents, SS. Anne and Joachim, is derived from the apocryphal Protoevangelium of St. James and the Gospel of the Nativity of Mary. St. Anne is the patron of childless people, pregnant women, and grandmothers (her Feast Day is 26 July); St. Joachim is the patron of grandfathers. (In the painting above, St. Anne sits in the chair, and her husband stands at her right. Cleophas is seen in the right-hand corner reading, and Jesus, Mary and Joseph are in front).
As said, at the very moment of Mary's conception in St. Anne's womb, God filled Mary with grace and preserved her from the stain of sin so she might be a pure vessel by whom Christ could enter the world; "Immaculate Conception," then is a title for Mary -- a title reflecting her being and which reveals that the New Adam saved the New Eve from the stain of original sin in an act foretold in the first Book of Scripture:
Genesis 3:15
I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel.
Adam and Eve, Mary and Jesus -- the only four persons with human natures who were, in their first moments, without sin (and, of course, Mary and Jesus remained sinless).
Mary is the All Holy, and it had to be this way: Christ took from her His very Flesh and Blood -- the Flesh that was scourged for us, the Blood that was spilt for us, the Bread of Life that saves us!
Symbols for the day are any of the usual Marian symbols (the color blue, her crown of 12 stars representing the 12 Tribes of Israel and the 12 Apostles), but especially those which emphasize her purity, such as lilies and her Immaculate Heart.
There are no special practices today that I know of, but, as with all Marian Feasts, it is a good day to pray the Magnificat, the Litany of Loreto, the Little Crown of the Blessed Virgin, the Akathistos Hymn to the Theotokos, the Ave Maris Stella (Hail, Star of the Ocean), the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary, etc. (You can download the Litany of Loreto in Microsoft Word .doc format, in English or in Latin.)
....taken from
Most of what we know about Mary's parents, SS. Anne and Joachim, is derived from the apocryphal Protoevangelium of St. James and the Gospel of the Nativity of Mary. St. Anne is the patron of childless people, pregnant women, and grandmothers (her Feast Day is 26 July); St. Joachim is the patron of grandfathers. (In the painting above, St. Anne sits in the chair, and her husband stands at her right. Cleophas is seen in the right-hand corner reading, and Jesus, Mary and Joseph are in front).
As said, at the very moment of Mary's conception in St. Anne's womb, God filled Mary with grace and preserved her from the stain of sin so she might be a pure vessel by whom Christ could enter the world; "Immaculate Conception," then is a title for Mary -- a title reflecting her being and which reveals that the New Adam saved the New Eve from the stain of original sin in an act foretold in the first Book of Scripture:
Genesis 3:15
I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel.
Adam and Eve, Mary and Jesus -- the only four persons with human natures who were, in their first moments, without sin (and, of course, Mary and Jesus remained sinless).
Mary is the All Holy, and it had to be this way: Christ took from her His very Flesh and Blood -- the Flesh that was scourged for us, the Blood that was spilt for us, the Bread of Life that saves us!
Symbols for the day are any of the usual Marian symbols (the color blue, her crown of 12 stars representing the 12 Tribes of Israel and the 12 Apostles), but especially those which emphasize her purity, such as lilies and her Immaculate Heart.
There are no special practices today that I know of, but, as with all Marian Feasts, it is a good day to pray the Magnificat, the Litany of Loreto, the Little Crown of the Blessed Virgin, the Akathistos Hymn to the Theotokos, the Ave Maris Stella (Hail, Star of the Ocean), the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary, etc. (You can download the Litany of Loreto in Microsoft Word .doc format, in English or in Latin.)
....taken from
Cathedral Renovations
And so the story twists and turns. Yesterday a Priest friend of mine told me that he did not beleive the bleeding host to be bleeding blood. An article in todays Newsday confirms this. But what is the substance and where did it come from. Most importantly... WHO put it there? Here is what the Newsday has to say about the substance:
The red substance found on the wooden carving of the Host and chalice at the Rock River RC, Moruga is not blood.
Reports of “blood” being seen on the symbol of the Holy Eucharist caused scores of people to visit the school to see for themselves. Several people believed it was a sign from God.
Co-Adjutor Archbishop of Port-of-Spain Joseph Harris yesterday said, “It’s not blood it is some synthetic substance, so we will have to deal with that and find out how it got there.” Speaking to Newsday at the Assumption RC Church, Maraval, after officiating at the Mass to celebrate the life of Dr Cuthbert Joseph, Harris said tests were done and he received a report yesterday. Asked if people looked out for signs to increase their faith, Harris said, “Only the truth can increase your faith. Something which is not true can’t increase your faith.” While people may want to interpret certain things as signs from God, Harris said the Church had to be very careful before making any pronouncement and approving anything.
“We did what needed to be done. We secured the image. Tests were done. The doctors who have done the tests, have a written report. It’s not blood.” Harris will convey the findings to the parish priest Fr Jayasaleen Baskar.
On December 1, teacher Eric Lewis, a Standard Two teacher at the Rock River RC spoke to his class about the Holy Eucharist being the body and blood of Christ. Lewis tried to test the students’ knowledge of the Catholic faith and as part of the lesson removed a wooden carving of the chalice and Host from an old cupboard. It was placed on a wall next to a crucifix. Later in the day that Lewis observed a red substance on the Host and asked his pupils why they put paint on the carving. They denied interfering with the carving.
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Hey Papa! You not wearing no seatbelt.
This one made me smile, as it did the Pope. Have a read yourself. It was written by JOhn Thavis for the Catholic News Agency:
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The Vatican said Pope Benedict XVI greeted with a smile the news that a German citizen had filed a complaint against him for not wearing a seat belt in his popemobile.
The Vatican spokesman, Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, said Nov. 30 that the complaint was not being taken seriously at the Vatican.
"It continues to provoke curiosity and smiles of amusements, beginning with the pope himself," Father Lombardi said.
Father Lombardi said it was well known that the popemobile does not travel long distances, moves at a very slow speed and doesn't generally run the risk of encountering other vehicles in its path.
"The pope turns continually to the right and to the left to greet and bless the faithful. Often he gets up and takes in his arms babies to bless, to the joy of the parents and everyone present. All these gestures presume a certain freedom of movement," the spokesman said.
Father Lombardi added that the Vatican was "grateful for the affectionate concern for the pope's safety," but added that the complaint did not seem to reflect much flexibility in interpreting the meaning of the law.
German news reports said the complaint against the pope was filed in the city of Dortmund following Pope Benedict's September visit to his homeland. The pope traveled frequently in his popemobile during stops in Berlin, Erfurt, Etzelsbach and Freiburg.
The complaint said that on all these occasions the pope had failed to use the seat belt as required by German law and that, as a repeat offender, he should be fined the maximum of 2,500 euros ($3,400). According to the German reports, the lawyer who filed the complaint said his client was primarily concerned about the safety of the 84-year-old pope.
Saturday, 3 December 2011
Eric Lewis and the Eucharistic Miracle (???) in Trinidad
Who is Eric Lewis? This man who is in the middle of the Eucharistic Miracle in Trinidad. Well an article in the July 21st 2011 Newsday written by Laurel V Williams shines some light on him.
My Brother and his wife know him well. According to my sister in law, "he is the bigger miracle" he is a great guy and a good Catholic. He converted the house left to him by his grandfather to a retreat house. He built a shrine not too far from the house. Here is the Article:
My Brother and his wife know him well. According to my sister in law, "he is the bigger miracle" he is a great guy and a good Catholic. He converted the house left to him by his grandfather to a retreat house. He built a shrine not too far from the house. Here is the Article:
ERIC LEWIS is a young man with many portfolios - primary school teacher, acolyte, painter and artist of restoration of statues, to name a few.
At 25, Lewis has managed to fulfill many of his dreams, one of which was to restore and paint 22 statues of various saints.
At his grandmother’s home, located next to his home in Gran Chemin, Moruga, it looks similar to that of a shrine due to the numerous religious objects.Lewis, in fact, is an acolyte at the St Vincent Ferrer Roman Catholic Church in Moruga where he attends worship nearly every Sunday.
Lewis said that in February he was given the task of painting and restoring several dilapidated statues of saints. The statues were being housed at the Our Lady of Montserrat RC Church in Tortuga.
It was while performing his task, Lewis discovered artifacts as well as newspaper clippings which dated back to as far as 1922. “I think that this may be the first time the statues are being restored. These are some of the oldest in the country. Many of these statues are made of metal and others of plastic,” Lewis said.
Devoting his time to ensure the statues look their best, Lewis on average spends most of his nights working on the statues. So serious is he with is work, he called in assistance from two friends - researchers and painters from the Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio, USA.As it happens Br.Sean,
Friday, 2 December 2011
Eucharistic Miracle in Caribbean Island of Trinidad?

There is a report of a Eucharistic miralce in the Moruga area of our little Caribbean island of Trinidad. Well, there is blood on a wooden representation of the Eucharist. Why? I don't know. It reminds us Catholics in Trinidad of the weeping Virgin... or the statue of the Virgin Mary that wept blood at Corpus Christi Girls College in the Diego Martin Valley. While that occured more than a decade ago, it is not hard to forget once you have been exposed to it.
There is a Vatican approved Eucharistic Miracle from the Caribbean. It occured on the island of Martinique, in a little church in the village of Morne-Rouge. Many lives were spared that day, by the Grace of God.
While this miracle has not revealed itself to be in that league.... you never know what God has planned for us.
The miracle could also be linked to the spiritual attacks on the Moruga High School.
Anyhoo, here is the article as it appears on the Trinidad Guardian of Friday December 2nd 2011. The above photo is also taken from this article written by Radhica Sookraj. The image shows some drops of blood-like substance on the ground which supposedly fell from the wodden Eucharist:
Prayers filled the Rock River RC Primary School, Moruga, yesterday as scores of Roman Catholics flocked to the school compound to view what has been described as an “Eucharistic Miracle”. Teachers, students and villagers, who flocked to the school, fell on their knees in prayer after a red substance, resembling blood, began dripping from a wood carving of the Holy Eucharist. Within hours, a puddle of red liquid had formed at the base of the chalice. Minister in the Ministry of Education, Clifton de Couteau, and two Roman Catholic priests—Father Anthony Baskar and Father Karuna Kumar—arrived at the school within an hour. A picture of the Virgin Mary was set up on a desk with two lighted candles, while a wooden carving of Christ on the Cross was placed next to the “bleeding” Eucharist..
The red fluid was first observed around 10.45 am in the Standard Two classroom. Teacher Eric Lewis said his pupils was having religious education as their first lesson and instead of speaking about Advent (Christmas) he decided to speak about the Eucharist, which Roman Catholics believe to be the the body of Jesus Christ. He said: “I wanted to find out how much people knew about the Eucharist. I told my students the chalice represented a cup of the blood of Christ and the host represented the body of Christ. “I asked my pupils if they had ever seen it and one of them told me there was a wood carving of the Eucharist in my cupboard,” Lewis recalled. He said he took out the carving, hung it up in the classroom and then left to speak to the principal. After recess, he said, he returned to class and noticed something was different with the Eucharist.
“At first I thought somebody put paint on it and I got angry but when I climbed up and looked at it, I realised that something, looking like blood, was dripping down the sides. I touched it and smelt it and it smelt like blood,” Lewis said. Saying he was always like “Doubting Thomas,” the teacher took samples of the fluid to be tested. “I truly believe this is a sign for us in Moruga to have faith. Jesus is showing his power in this way,” Lewis said. He said even if nobody believed the fluid was blood, the incident had reaffirmed his belief in Christ. De Couteau said he arrived at the school immediately after hearing of the “blood-flowing chalice.”
He added: “This is not unusual because sometime ago, we also heard about the Hindu murtis drinking milk.
There is a young man who has taken samples so we shall know whether it is blood—human or animal.” Asked whether he believed the phenomenon is a sign of bad times, De Couteau said: “I don’t want to theorise. This is a strange phenomenon that people go all over the world to see.” Fr Baskar said he too was baffled. He said miracles often happened and the appearance of blood could be an indication that Jesus would come to purify and cleanse. Members of the Livingstone Prayer Group, including Bernadine Alphonso, Dianne Ayers and Yvonne Ragoo, knelt in prayer while pupils were taken in groups to witness the phenomenon. This is the second time a phenomenon has been witnessed at Moruga. In recent months there have been reports that students of the Moruga Secondary School were being affected by evil spirits which gave them super-strength and the ability to climb walls.
Monday, 28 November 2011
Diego pilgrims video world youth day 2011
My friend Cherise sent me this video put together by the Pilgrims to Spain for world youth day from the valley of Diego Martin - St John the Evangelist. That's her chatting with the sister of charity. Enjoy
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Thursday, 24 November 2011
bumped my toe and remembered 1Thessalonians5
Always be joyful; pray constantly; and for all things give thanks; this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. (1Thessalonians5; Vs16-18)
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
"Can we fix it?" and other slogans from kids shows
I have been watching a lot of kids programmes recently and thewife and I were trying to remember slogans from the shows. Yes! they all have something that someone says that is part of the show. Here is a list that we combined. Feel free to contribute:
Reading Rainbow - But you don't have to take my word for it.
Bill Nye the Science Guy – Science Rules
The Electric Company- Avery short book
Blue’s Clues – blue skidoo – so can you
Dragon Tales – love it!
Teletubbies – Oh-oh
Zoboomafoo – Going on a trip
Bob the Builder – can we fix it, yes we can
Dora the Explorer – We did it!
Clifford the Big Red Dog – I love you clifford
Thomas the Tank Engine – That’s right!
Boohbah – (nothing)
The Backyardigans – That was an excellent adventure, don’t you think?
The Magic School Bus - Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!
Word Girl – Word UP!
Arthur – Ooo! Look what I found
Cyberchase – Cyberchase for Real
Curious George- Can I have my hat plaese
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse – Oh Toodles!
Special Agent Oso – Three special steps
Sid the Science Kid – Supa dupa shmupa big idea!
Little Einsteins – I can not believe it
Yo Gabba Gabba! – Don’tbiteyourfriends
Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! – That wasn’t supposedtohappen
Johnny and the Sprites -
Imagination Movers – It’s an idea emergency
Caillou - Growing up is not so tough.
Max & Ruby - Oh Max!
Charlie and Lola – but Charlie…
Team Umizoomi – power up!
Wonder Pets – This calls for some cellery
Between the Lions – Cliff Hanger, Hanging from a cliff
PB&J Otter – Time to do the noodle dance
Reading Rainbow - But you don't have to take my word for it.
Bill Nye the Science Guy – Science Rules
The Electric Company- Avery short book
Blue’s Clues – blue skidoo – so can you
Dragon Tales – love it!
Teletubbies – Oh-oh
Zoboomafoo – Going on a trip
Bob the Builder – can we fix it, yes we can
Dora the Explorer – We did it!
Clifford the Big Red Dog – I love you clifford
Thomas the Tank Engine – That’s right!
Boohbah – (nothing)
The Backyardigans – That was an excellent adventure, don’t you think?
The Magic School Bus - Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!
Word Girl – Word UP!
Arthur – Ooo! Look what I found
Cyberchase – Cyberchase for Real
Curious George- Can I have my hat plaese
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse – Oh Toodles!
Special Agent Oso – Three special steps
Sid the Science Kid – Supa dupa shmupa big idea!
Little Einsteins – I can not believe it
Yo Gabba Gabba! – Don’tbiteyourfriends
Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! – That wasn’t supposedtohappen
Johnny and the Sprites -
Imagination Movers – It’s an idea emergency
Caillou - Growing up is not so tough.
Max & Ruby - Oh Max!
Charlie and Lola – but Charlie…
Team Umizoomi – power up!
Wonder Pets – This calls for some cellery
Between the Lions – Cliff Hanger, Hanging from a cliff
PB&J Otter – Time to do the noodle dance
Monday, 14 November 2011
The Christian of Outlish Magazine
Outlish magazine is an online magazine about Trinidad Youth and how they find a place on this earth. It is local, regional and international. I cannot say I am a fan of every article. Today I read an article written by a Christian called Confessions of a Church girl. The truth of the article is that you can take out the word Christian and replace it with Hindu, Muslim, Catholic, or Seventh day Adventist and it would be true for all faiths.
It is not a "live and let live" mentality, instead it is an understanding of human nature and how some people think they have found faith.
I will not cut and paste the article here instead how about a link ---> here
It is not a "live and let live" mentality, instead it is an understanding of human nature and how some people think they have found faith.
I will not cut and paste the article here instead how about a link ---> here
Sunday, 13 November 2011
7000 percent increase in Catholics
Zenit news reported that from 1900 to 2000 the amount of Catholics in Africa went from 2 million to 140 million.
The continent has around a 1001 million people. So we have a way to go. But by the grace of God, He will triumph.
Such enormous growth implies a tremendous richness for the Church, but it also means a host of pastoral challenges. Benedict XVI begins his second trip to Africa in one week from today, where he will deliver the apostolic exhortation that draws from the 2009 special synod on Africa.
The continent has around a 1001 million people. So we have a way to go. But by the grace of God, He will triumph.
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Archbishop Gilbert of Port of Spain accused of Anti-Semetic speech
Knowing Archbishop Edward Gilbert, I am sure that the comments made were a slip of the tongue rather than hate for Jews. I understand why the Jewish group JTA (Jewish Telegraphic Agency) would make an issue of it. You make issues of slips of the tongue so that others would choose their words carefully.
But how would the JTA get the scripts of the Archbishops homily. As far as I know the homily was not broadcast, and the group listening were Catholics. How weird. Or is it?
In my mind, this all started with comments made by certain politicians, of a racist nature. The Archbishop chastised these politicians and they made issue by reporting him to the anti defamation league. Poor guy. He has been so politically correct for too long, and as he starts to make issue he gets attacked.
The reading for the day was taken from Matthew 22:34-40
All the comments made were in reference to the local politicians and the reading. It was a Homily about love. In the Homily, and according to the Anti Defamation League article Gilbert spoke of the ORIGINAL Jews.
So I beleive the issue is an over reaction and a blatant attack on the Archbishop and the Catholic Church.
Here is the Article from the Anti Defamation League website:
The article speaks of the Vatican II reform document. It is called NOSTRA AETATE, Latin for "In our Time". The document calls for good relations between Catholics and other Religions: Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Jews and other religions. The last paragraph of the document states:
I am sure, that Archbishop Edward Gilbert will issue a public apology. Not for the sentiment expressed (Love your fellow man universally, as Christ loved), but the slip of the tongue that may have caused offence to Jews. But then if he does that, does that mean he has to apologise to the politicians who make awful statements. What is the church if we cannot speak out against injustice?
But how would the JTA get the scripts of the Archbishops homily. As far as I know the homily was not broadcast, and the group listening were Catholics. How weird. Or is it?
In my mind, this all started with comments made by certain politicians, of a racist nature. The Archbishop chastised these politicians and they made issue by reporting him to the anti defamation league. Poor guy. He has been so politically correct for too long, and as he starts to make issue he gets attacked.
The reading for the day was taken from Matthew 22:34-40
"When the Pharisees heard that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together, and one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. 'Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?'
Jesus said to him, 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the greatest and first commandment.
And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbour as yourself. On these two commandments hangs all the law and the prophets."
All the comments made were in reference to the local politicians and the reading. It was a Homily about love. In the Homily, and according to the Anti Defamation League article Gilbert spoke of the ORIGINAL Jews.
So I beleive the issue is an over reaction and a blatant attack on the Archbishop and the Catholic Church.
Here is the Article from the Anti Defamation League website:
New York, NY, October 25, 2011 … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today said it was deeply disturbed by disparaging remarks about Judaism from Archbishop Edward Gilbert, the leader of the Catholic Church in the Port of Spain, who reportedly likened politicians in Trinidad and Tobago to Jews and suggested that, "…they have the mindset of the original Jewish people."
Archbishop Gilbert was reported to have made the remarks during a Jubilee Mass held October 24 at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Roman Catholic Church in San Fernando to celebrate the 225th anniversary of the Roman Catholic mission there.
"The Jews were compassionate and caring for their own, they were compassionate and caring to the people of their nation, to the people of their race, to the people of their ethnic communities. However, that wasn't enough for Jesus. Jesus took that teaching and universalized it," Archbishop Gilbert told his congregation, according to a news report. "In many cases in this country, there are people who love one another, who are compassionate, but they have the mindset of the original Jewish people. They are good to their own ... but they have not universalized the concept of love."
Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director, said the archbishop's statements as reported were "a disturbing repackaging of ancient anti-Jewish canards and supersessionist beliefs."
"Archbishop Gilbert devalues Judaism over and against Christianity," said Mr. Foxman. "The false notion that Jews only care about themselves and don't care enough about others is one of the major pillars of classical anti-Semitism."
"While the Catholic Church has made tremendous strides in countering anti-Jewish notions such as the belief that the advent of Christianity superseded Judaism, Archbishop Gilbert's statements show that he has not internalized the important reforms of Vatican II."
The article speaks of the Vatican II reform document. It is called NOSTRA AETATE, Latin for "In our Time". The document calls for good relations between Catholics and other Religions: Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Jews and other religions. The last paragraph of the document states:
The Church reproves, as foreign to the mind of Christ, any discrimination against men or harassment of them because of their race, color, condition of life, or religion. On the contrary, following in the footsteps of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, this sacred synod ardently implores the Christian faithful to "maintain good fellowship among the nations" (1 Peter 2:12), and, if possible, to live for their part in peace with all men, so that they may truly be sons of the Father who is in heaven.
I am sure, that Archbishop Edward Gilbert will issue a public apology. Not for the sentiment expressed (Love your fellow man universally, as Christ loved), but the slip of the tongue that may have caused offence to Jews. But then if he does that, does that mean he has to apologise to the politicians who make awful statements. What is the church if we cannot speak out against injustice?
Shub Divali to all Hindus in Trinidad and around the world
Happy Divali to all my Hindu friends in Trinidad and around the world. May there always be light overcoming the darkness that may try to creep into your life.
Below is a message from the Pope for the festival of Divali and to Hindus.
Below is a message from the Pope for the festival of Divali and to Hindus.
VATICAN CITY, OCT. 20, 2011 ( The president of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue is inviting Hindus to "join hands in promoting religious freedom as our shared responsibility, by asking the leaders of nations never to disregard the religious dimension of the human person."
Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran made this invitation in the Vatican's customary greeting to Hindus for Deepvali. The message was released today.
Deepvali celebrates the victory of truth over falsehood, of light over darkness, of life over death, of good over evil. The celebrations, which begin this year on Oct. 26, last three days and mark the beginning of a new year, a time for family reconciliation, especially among brothers and sisters, and adoration of the divine.
"There are many fields in which a specific contribution can be made to the common good, such as the defense of life and the dignity of the family, the sound education of children, honesty in daily conduct, and the preservation of natural resources, to name a few," the cardinal wrote in the message.
He noted the plight of those who are "exposed to bias, prejudice, hate propaganda, discrimination and persecution on the basis of religious affiliation." And he said that religious freedom is "the answer to religiously motivated conflicts in many parts of the world."
"Religious freedom is numbered among the fundamental human rights rooted in the dignity of the human person," Cardinal Tauran stated. "When it is jeopardized or denied, all other human rights are endangered."
The cardinal also highlighted some of the main elements of religious freedom.
He said: "Religious freedom necessarily includes immunity from coercion by any individual, group, community or institution. Though the exercise of this right entails the freedom of every person to profess, practice and propagate his or her religion or belief, in public or in private, alone or in a community, it also involves a serious obligation on the part of civil authorities, individuals and groups to respect the freedom of others. Moreover, it includes the freedom to change one's own religion."
Monday, 24 October 2011
Rest in Peace Rev Cyril Paul
The Caribbean Catholic would like to offer his condolences to the family of the late Reverend Cyril Paul - Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Trinidad.
There are some interesting newspaper articles on the passing of the good reverend, but nothing on the church website:
Rest in Peace good and faithful Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The following is an article on Rev Paul By Lara Pickford-Gordon Monday, October 24 2011 from the Newsday Newspapers:
There are some interesting newspaper articles on the passing of the good reverend, but nothing on the church website:
Rest in Peace good and faithful Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The following is an article on Rev Paul By Lara Pickford-Gordon Monday, October 24 2011 from the Newsday Newspapers:
Former Moderator of the Presbyterian Church and head of the Inter-Religious Organisation (IRO)Reverend Cyril Paul, 70, lost his battle with prostate cancer yesterday.
Paul died at about 9 am yesterday at Vistas House, a hospice run by the Cancer Society of TT on the compound of the St James Medical Complex. Paul had for a few years been dealing with other medical conditions but it was only a year ago that prostate cancer was diagnosed.
In an interview at their San Juan home yesterday, Paul’s wife of 46 years, Barbara said, “He really suffered.”
When his health deteriorated, Paul was warded at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, Mt Hope where he spent two weeks. Last Friday, he was moved to Vistas House. Doctors at Mt Hope had given him one to seven weeks to live.
Despite this, Barbara said her husband was ready for the afterlife.
“He kept saying he wanted to go home. He did not mean here (San Juan). He meant his heavenly home. He was prepared to go,” said Barbara.
She told Newsday he was never bitter about his illness or questioned why God allowed this to happen. “He accepted it.”
Reflecting on her husband’s life Barbara said, “He lived a good life and was able to do a lot.
“He gave his life for his vocation. No one could have faulted him for that. He really enjoyed life, living, and what he was doing. If he had to do it all over, he would do it the same.”
Barbara said Paul had expressed a wish for “two more years” to complete a book he was working on based on stories from his childhood. Paul last year launched the book Response to a Call, a compilation of his speeches from 1979-2006.
Paul is remembered for his sense of humour and remarked to friends that he was the most beaten priest in the country. He was robbed once but beaten twice.
In February 2005, as president of the IRO, Paul was beaten and robbed of a car at Curepe not long after dropping home a fellow IRO member, who had attended a meeting with him at Archbishop’s House, Port-of-Spain.
In the second incident, Paul was accosted at the Aramalaya church, Tunapuna as he was about to open the gate of the church.
Paul served for three terms as head of the IRO, and was a member of the organisation for more than 20 years. He served three two-year terms as Moderator of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church. He was well known for his Palm Sunday sermons and being outspoken on national issues. In July, he celebrated 40 years serving the church.
At the service held at the Curepe Presbyterian Church, Paul said, “If my life and ministry have helped persons, congregations and communities in any way, then I give credit to Almighty God and I join with the hymn-writer in saying, to God be the glory, great things he has done.”
Paul’s funeral is expected to take place at the Susamachar Church, San Fernando where he was ordained.
Moderator of the Presbyterian Church Brenda Bullock said Paul was a tower of strength not only in the Presbyterian Church but also as president of the IRO. According to Bullock, “He was a minister of the people. A sterling light in the Presbyterian Church.”
There was controversy in 2003 at the opening of Parliament when Paul in his prayer said, “We ask your forgiveness for the times when in our desire to score points we make statements and say things which we know are not true and responsible.”
Former Moderator Elvis Elahie said Paul was fair to all and did not have political bias.
“He commented as he interpreted, based on his own opinion.” Paul gave of himself as a counsellor and according to Elahie, “confronted individuals” where necessary.
IRO president Emrol Gould said Paul was a beloved friend whose service to the organisation will always be remembered. Gould said the passing was a great loss for him, members of the IRO and the country. He extended prayers to Paul’s family and members of the Presbyterian Church and persons who knew Paul.
Secretary general of the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha Satnarayan Maharaj, who worked alongside Paul in the IRO for many years said, “He was an active member of the IRO to which we all belonged. For many years he provided good service, leadership in the organisation and held various religious grouping together.”
Maharaj also worked with Paul in other groups and said he was thankful for the contribution he made to “religious unity in the land.”
Acting Prime Minister Winston Dookeran extended condolences on behalf of Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar and the Government.
Dookeran said Paul was one of the architects of the modern Presbyterian church in TT and the West Indies.
“He was one of our country’s builders who left no stone unturned in playing his role to fashion a new society, of which all of us were partners. He gave selflessly to the cause of youth empowerment, and played a significant part in the development of a society where equality, social justice, peace and truth were hallmarks of his contribution.”
Dookeran said Paul’s death was a great loss to the church and the nation. He described him as a “deep thinker, remarkable orator and an attentive listener, who had the distinct passion to uplift the human condition for all his congregation and the populace at large. He gave new credentials to service which must always be conducted within the bounds of moral and ethical values.
He was committed to truthful service, which at times did not receive the fullest support of all.”
Dookeran said Paul was a great soul and true patriot who always practiced national unity and would be sadly missed by all.
When Newsday was started in 1993, Paul blessed the office at 19-21 Chacon Street, Port-of- Spain. He hoped for organisation to do its work with honesty and responsibility.
Archbishop Gilbert rocks TNT - Allyuh! Stop the hate!
It is my belief that Archbishop Gilbert was not accepted when he first came to Trinidad. Being an American did not help his cause. Fire fueled by an arrogant, unthinking priest who chose to publicly make issue of the American Archbishop being appointed by a European Church over a West Indian Archdiocese. What a sad embarrassment to our ONE (multi ethnic) church.
But time heals all wounds and Archbishop Gilbert has become loved by the majority of the Catholic population in his Archdiocese. We have become accustomed to "his way".
Part of his "way" is being politically correct. Well, So I believed. Well, imagine my suprise to hear his strong and chastising words to a nation contemplating racial hate in their hearts. Good Job Gilbert! Shake them. They need it.
Among those in my generation, I never saw much racism, until recently. People would intimate dislike of one race or another to me. NO! God made us all.... "yuh musn't think like that man."
This is the time of Obama. Black people didn't put him there. It was the white vote. Racism in the US before Obama was at it's lowest ebb. Now it has increased slightly, but only because Obama isn't turning around the economy like they hoped he would, and so there is a "lashing out".
We need to get it together here in Trinidad. Stop the Hate.
The Article written by Camile Bethel of the Trinidad Express Newspaper of October 24th 2011 says it all:
But time heals all wounds and Archbishop Gilbert has become loved by the majority of the Catholic population in his Archdiocese. We have become accustomed to "his way".
Part of his "way" is being politically correct. Well, So I believed. Well, imagine my suprise to hear his strong and chastising words to a nation contemplating racial hate in their hearts. Good Job Gilbert! Shake them. They need it.
Among those in my generation, I never saw much racism, until recently. People would intimate dislike of one race or another to me. NO! God made us all.... "yuh musn't think like that man."
This is the time of Obama. Black people didn't put him there. It was the white vote. Racism in the US before Obama was at it's lowest ebb. Now it has increased slightly, but only because Obama isn't turning around the economy like they hoped he would, and so there is a "lashing out".
We need to get it together here in Trinidad. Stop the Hate.
The Article written by Camile Bethel of the Trinidad Express Newspaper of October 24th 2011 says it all:
Gilbert said the tendency of many people within this society is still to take care of their own.
"Politicians take care of their own constituencies on the basis of race, ethnicity or politics, and one of the things we need as a country—the Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has said it, the President George Maxwell Richards has said it—we need to return to values of universal nature.
"One of the things that we have to watch is the tribalism in the Middle East that is still going on in places like Afghanistan and Iraq. If people... just... take care of their own, it is not good for the country," he said.
He said a lack of values inevitably shows up in behaviour eventually, if not immediately, but especially when people have no religious tradition to fall back on.
"Which is why they can cut each other on the streets and have the drug wars and the violence.
"The way back from that is to have all the religious traditions. I am familiar with the (IRO) Inter-Religious Organisation, talking to their people and teaching them the right things, and talking to the young people about values because some of these kids have absolutely nothing; they get nothing from their families."
He said the curfew imposed under the State of Emergency had reduced the number of killings, but he would much rather see the country renewing itself in terms of values to eventually get to the point where curfews would no longer be needed; because while it was necessary to have a curfew, it was a shame that this country needed it.
"I believe the value problem is an enormous issue. It is a growing problem for the Caribbean and it is spreading everywhere," Gilbert said.
World population growing however, it is expected to shrink after 2070
This article from Reuters on october 24th 2011, freaks me out, but it does show that there really is no overpopulation.
(Editing by Sonya Hepinstall)
LONDON (Reuters) -- If the world follows the demographic habits of Europe -- and that's a big if -- by the year 2200 it could be home to a population of less than half its current level, living in housing built for almost three times that number.
With the global population estimated to pass 7 billion on October 31, many of policymakers' short-term worries revolve around providing resources for the additional 2-3 billion people expected to be born in the next half-century.
Numbers of this magnitude inevitably conjure up terrifying visions of shortage and chaos. But in fact improvements in food production and technology have allowed population growth to continue unimpeded and relatively smoothly, and the real potential nightmare is of a rapidly aging population, combined with collapsing birthrates in both rich and poor states.
Many demographers and long-term planners say the challenge for the next century will be less dealing with growing numbers of people and more managing the much larger population of aged and perhaps dependent people while finding new strategies to deliver prosperity, jobs and essential services.
The trend has already contributed to the current global financial crisis by driving up health and social care bills and perhaps also undermining productivity. But while politicians tie themselves in knots over short-term worries, experts say there is not enough discussion of longer-term demographic challenges.
"It's not a world that's going to look anything like any world or population that has existed before," says Jack Goldstone, professor of public policy and a leading demographics expert at Washington's George Mason University.
"We thought that overpopulation was going to force humanity to expand outward to the stars. That doesn't look like the problem at all. And the policy framework isn't set up at all to handle these longer-term issues."
With many of the world's poorer countries still seeing strong growth, the global fertility rate -- the number of children born per couple -- remains around 2.5, more than enough to replace every person currently alive.
But in richer countries, the rate has already nosedived. Russia, Singapore and several other developed countries have introduced policies to boost fertility but with mixed success.
Exact predictions vary, but most projections suggest the global population will peak at around 9 billion around 2070 and then start to fall, perhaps very fast.
In the Western world, that date will see both the children of the "baby boomers" -- many of them childless or with fewer children, if current trends hold -- reaching the end of their lives. In the developing world, the "youth bulge" -- the large cohort of young people currently most striking in the Middle East -- will also be dying off.
"The decline in fertility has gone the furthest certainly in the developed world but it is falling very rapidly in most middle-income countries and even some of the more successful lower-income countries," said Daniel Cotlear, a population expert at the World Bank specializing in Latin America.
"With an aging population, that brings challenges."
By 2030, more than a third of the population in a number of Western states as well as some Asian economies, such as Japan and Korea, will be aged over 65.
Many developing states, most notably China with its one-child policy but also a growing number of other nations, will follow suit -- often without the financial resources to help pay for the cost of medical and nursing care.
"It's the seminal issue of our time," says Michael Hodin, executive director of the New York-based Global Coalition on Aging and a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.
"The numbers are stunning. The exact projections vary but it doesn't really matter because they are all going in the same direction."
In the developed world, most countries rely on a large number of working taxpayers to pay for the care and pensions of a relatively small group of elderly people. In poorer countries, extended families tend to look after the elderly.
Neither of those models, experts say, is designed to cope with the changed demographics of more old and fewer young.
In the short-term, many rich countries have plugged the demographic gap by importing young people from elsewhere in the world, particularly to provide care for the elderly and perform other manual tasks. That, too, may become unsustainable in the years to come as those sources of labor dry up due to falling fertility rates.
Some remain optimistic.
"This will be a much older world but it will also be a much more educated world," said Sergei Scherbov, research group leader at the Vienna Institute of Demography.
"People are becoming healthier. I personally think we will adjust to these things."
Scherbov and colleagues at the World Population Programme of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis have put considerable effort into the near-impossible task of predicting the world's population over the coming two centuries.
At one extreme, if the world's fertility rate were to fall to the same level as that of Shanghai, at around 0.8 per couple, then by the early 22nd century population would be falling so fast that it would be under a billion by 2150.
If it were closer to the European Union average of 1.5 then population would fall below 5 billion around 2140 and 3 billion by 2200. In contrast, maintaining the current rate of 2.5 would see it top 15 billion by 2100.
Those projections assume global life expectancy continues to rise. Should it not, the population slump would be faster still.
"Unpredictability is huge," he says. "(But) it could be a very odd world."
The biggest question that no one has any clear answer to at present, experts say, is whether it is possible to plan for economic growth that will provide jobs and hope for both older workers and those younger people entering the workforce.
In a worst-case scenario of generational conflict, an elderly and middle-aged cohort might block jobs and lobby ferociously to keep up unsustainable entitlements while an angry youth feel denied opportunities and are forced to pay the ultimate financial bill. Some believe that phenomenon is perhaps already becoming visible in parts of the developed world.
"The real problem about the aging population is an economic growth problem," says George Mason University's Goldstone.
"If we have growth, we can afford the pensions and healthcare for the older generation. But if we don't, everyone is going to suffer."
(Editing by Sonya Hepinstall)
Sunday, 23 October 2011
Fides News Service has sent the following statistics which give an overview of the missionary Church all over the world. The tables are taken from the lastest edition of the 'Church's Book of Statistics' published (updated to December 31, 2009) regarding members of the Church, church structures in the field of pastoral care, healthcare, welfare and education. Please note that variations, increase or decrease, emerging from our own comparison with last year's figures, are marked increase (+) or decrease (-).
World Population
To December 31, 2009 the world population was equal to 6.777.599.000 people, with an increase of 79.246 million compared with the previous year. Population growth was registered on every continent: Africa (+19,983,000); America (+8,744,000); Asia (+47,702, 000); Oceania (+967,000); Europe (+1,850,000) .
On the same date Catholics in the world numbered 1,180,665,000 with an overall increase of 14,951,000 more than the previous year. he increase affects all continents: Africa (+6,530,000); America (+5,863,000); Asia (+1,814,000); Europe (+597,000), Oceania (+147,000).
The World percentage of Catholics increased by 0.02%, settling at 17.42%. By continent: increases were registered in Africa (+0.3); America (+0.04) and Asia (+ 0.01), a drop in numbers was registered, like last year, in Europe (- 0.02) and Oceania (- 0.3).
Persons and Catholics per priest
This year again the number of persons per priest in the world increased by 139 units, average 13,154. The distribution by continent: increase in America (+70),
Europe (+42) and Oceania (+181), and a drop in numbers in Africa (-313) and Asia (-628).
The number of Catholics per priest in the world increased by 27 units, average 2,876. We have increases on every continent except Asia: Africa (+25); America (+32); Asia (-30); Europe (+16); ceania (+25).
Dioceses and missions
The number of dioceses increased by 11 more than the previous year to 2,956, with new circumscriptions created in: Africa (+3), America (+2), Asia (+6). Mission stations with a resident priest 1850 (185 more than in the previous year) and increases registered in Africa (+280) and America (+94). Decreases in Asia (-69), Europe (-110) and Oceania (-10).
Mission Stations without a resident priest increased in number by 5,459 units, to 130,948. Increases registered in Africa (+2,143), America (+2,131), Asia (+937) and Oceania (+278), decreases in Europe (-30).
The total number of Bishops in the world increased by 63 units, to 5,065. Overall the increase in numbers regard both diocesan and religious Bishops. Diocesan Bishops number 3,828 (42 more than in the previous year); Religious Bishops number 1,237 (21 more). The increase in diocesan Bishops is registered on every continent: Africa (+2), America (+19), Asia (+1), Europe (+17), Oceania (+3). The only decrease in religious Bishops was registered in Oceania (-1), the increase was registered in Africa (+10), America (+4), Asia (+5) and Europe (+3).
The total number of priests in the world increased by 1,427 units more than in the previous year, to 410,593. The only continent which registered a decrease was once again Europe (-1,674), wheras figures grew in Africa (+1155), America (+413), Asia (+1519) and Oceania (+14). Diocesan priests increased by 1,535 units, reaching a total of +275,542, with increases in Africa (+888), America (+946), Asia (+780) and Oceania (+26) but numbers dropped in Europe (-1105). The number of Religious priests decreased by 108 units to a total of 135,051. Increases, following the trend of recent years are Africa (+267) and Asia (+739), but decreases affect America (-533), Europe (-569) and Oceania (-12) .
Permanent Deacons
Permanent deacons in the world increased by 952 units, reaching 38,155. The greatest increase is once again in America (+552) and Europe (+326), followed by Oceania (+57) and Asia (+23). The only decrease was registered in Africa (-6). Diocesan permanent deacons are 37,592 in the world, with an overall increase of 1,053 units.
They increased on every continent except Africa (-2), precisely: America (+623), Asia (+15), Europe (+359) and Oceania (+58). Religious permanent deacons are 563, decreased by 101 units compared to the previous year, with the only increase in Asia (+8) and decreases in Africa (-4), America (-71), Europe (-33), Oceania (-1).
Men and women religious
The non-religious priests decreased globally by 412 units to 54,229. Increases were registered only in Africa (+294), but decreases in America (-195), Asia (-60), Europe (-445) and Oceania (-6). This confirms the overall decrease in the number of women religious (-9697) that are a total of 729,371, divided as follows: This year we also confirm the increase in Africa (+1249) and Asia (+1399), decrease in America (-4681), Europe ( -7468) and Oceania (-196).
Members of Secular Institutes, male and female
Members of male secular institutes number 737 with an overall decrease of 6 units. At the continental level there is an increase in Africa (+5) and America (+3), Oceania unvaried, while there is a decrease in Asia (-1) and Europe (-13). The female members of secular institutes have also decreased this year, a total of 386 units, for a number of 26,260 members. An increase in Africa (+37), Asia (+180) and Oceania (+1), decrease in America (-30) and Europe (-574).
Lay missionaries and catechists
The number of lay missionaries in the world is 320,226 units, with an overall increase of 3,390 units and increase in Africa (+736), Asia (+3774) and Europe (+428). Decreases were recorded in America (-1531) and Oceania (-17). Catechists in the world increased to a total of 68,515 units to 3,151,077. Numbers increase in Africa (+19,538), America (+36,319), Asia (+13,365) and Oceania (+287). The only decrease is in Europe (-994)
Major seminarians
The number of major seminarians, diocesan and religious, also increased this year: they are globally 954 more candidates for priesthood, who have thus reached a total of 117,978. Increases, as occurred in previous years, in Africa (+565), Asia (+781) and Oceania (+15), while this year decreases in America (-60) and Europe (-347). The major diocesan seminarians are 71,219 (43 more than in the previous year) and 46,759 religious ones (+911). Diocesan seminarians increases are registered in Africa (+425) and Asia (+121), decreases are registered in America (-353) and Oceania (-14) and Europe (-136). The religious seminarians increase in Africa (+140
Health, charity and assistance institutes
Charity and assistance institutes run in the world by the Church include: 5,558 hospitals most of them in America (1721) and Africa (1290); 17,763 dispensaries, mainly in America (5495), Africa (5280) and Asia ( 3634), 561 care Homes for people with Leprosy mainly in Asia (288) and Africa (174); 16,073 Homes for the elderly, or chronically ill or people with a disability, mainly in Europe (8238) and America (4144); 9,956 orphanages, about one third in Asia (3406); 12,387 creches, 13,736 marriage counseling centers mainly in Europe (5948) and America (4696); 36,933 education or social rehabilitation centers and 12,050 other kinds of institutions, mainly in America (4484 ), Europe (3939) and Asia (1857).
Ecclesiastical Circumscriptions dependent on the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples
To 1 October 2011, the ecclesiastical Circumscriptions dependent on the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples (CEP) were 1103. Mainly in Africa (499) and Asia (473). Followed by America (85) and Oceania (46).
World Population
To December 31, 2009 the world population was equal to 6.777.599.000 people, with an increase of 79.246 million compared with the previous year. Population growth was registered on every continent: Africa (+19,983,000); America (+8,744,000); Asia (+47,702, 000); Oceania (+967,000); Europe (+1,850,000) .
On the same date Catholics in the world numbered 1,180,665,000 with an overall increase of 14,951,000 more than the previous year. he increase affects all continents: Africa (+6,530,000); America (+5,863,000); Asia (+1,814,000); Europe (+597,000), Oceania (+147,000).
The World percentage of Catholics increased by 0.02%, settling at 17.42%. By continent: increases were registered in Africa (+0.3); America (+0.04) and Asia (+ 0.01), a drop in numbers was registered, like last year, in Europe (- 0.02) and Oceania (- 0.3).
Persons and Catholics per priest
This year again the number of persons per priest in the world increased by 139 units, average 13,154. The distribution by continent: increase in America (+70),
Europe (+42) and Oceania (+181), and a drop in numbers in Africa (-313) and Asia (-628).
The number of Catholics per priest in the world increased by 27 units, average 2,876. We have increases on every continent except Asia: Africa (+25); America (+32); Asia (-30); Europe (+16); ceania (+25).
Dioceses and missions
The number of dioceses increased by 11 more than the previous year to 2,956, with new circumscriptions created in: Africa (+3), America (+2), Asia (+6). Mission stations with a resident priest 1850 (185 more than in the previous year) and increases registered in Africa (+280) and America (+94). Decreases in Asia (-69), Europe (-110) and Oceania (-10).
Mission Stations without a resident priest increased in number by 5,459 units, to 130,948. Increases registered in Africa (+2,143), America (+2,131), Asia (+937) and Oceania (+278), decreases in Europe (-30).
The total number of Bishops in the world increased by 63 units, to 5,065. Overall the increase in numbers regard both diocesan and religious Bishops. Diocesan Bishops number 3,828 (42 more than in the previous year); Religious Bishops number 1,237 (21 more). The increase in diocesan Bishops is registered on every continent: Africa (+2), America (+19), Asia (+1), Europe (+17), Oceania (+3). The only decrease in religious Bishops was registered in Oceania (-1), the increase was registered in Africa (+10), America (+4), Asia (+5) and Europe (+3).
The total number of priests in the world increased by 1,427 units more than in the previous year, to 410,593. The only continent which registered a decrease was once again Europe (-1,674), wheras figures grew in Africa (+1155), America (+413), Asia (+1519) and Oceania (+14). Diocesan priests increased by 1,535 units, reaching a total of +275,542, with increases in Africa (+888), America (+946), Asia (+780) and Oceania (+26) but numbers dropped in Europe (-1105). The number of Religious priests decreased by 108 units to a total of 135,051. Increases, following the trend of recent years are Africa (+267) and Asia (+739), but decreases affect America (-533), Europe (-569) and Oceania (-12) .
Permanent Deacons
Permanent deacons in the world increased by 952 units, reaching 38,155. The greatest increase is once again in America (+552) and Europe (+326), followed by Oceania (+57) and Asia (+23). The only decrease was registered in Africa (-6). Diocesan permanent deacons are 37,592 in the world, with an overall increase of 1,053 units.
They increased on every continent except Africa (-2), precisely: America (+623), Asia (+15), Europe (+359) and Oceania (+58). Religious permanent deacons are 563, decreased by 101 units compared to the previous year, with the only increase in Asia (+8) and decreases in Africa (-4), America (-71), Europe (-33), Oceania (-1).
Men and women religious
The non-religious priests decreased globally by 412 units to 54,229. Increases were registered only in Africa (+294), but decreases in America (-195), Asia (-60), Europe (-445) and Oceania (-6). This confirms the overall decrease in the number of women religious (-9697) that are a total of 729,371, divided as follows: This year we also confirm the increase in Africa (+1249) and Asia (+1399), decrease in America (-4681), Europe ( -7468) and Oceania (-196).
Members of Secular Institutes, male and female
Members of male secular institutes number 737 with an overall decrease of 6 units. At the continental level there is an increase in Africa (+5) and America (+3), Oceania unvaried, while there is a decrease in Asia (-1) and Europe (-13). The female members of secular institutes have also decreased this year, a total of 386 units, for a number of 26,260 members. An increase in Africa (+37), Asia (+180) and Oceania (+1), decrease in America (-30) and Europe (-574).
Lay missionaries and catechists
The number of lay missionaries in the world is 320,226 units, with an overall increase of 3,390 units and increase in Africa (+736), Asia (+3774) and Europe (+428). Decreases were recorded in America (-1531) and Oceania (-17). Catechists in the world increased to a total of 68,515 units to 3,151,077. Numbers increase in Africa (+19,538), America (+36,319), Asia (+13,365) and Oceania (+287). The only decrease is in Europe (-994)
Major seminarians
The number of major seminarians, diocesan and religious, also increased this year: they are globally 954 more candidates for priesthood, who have thus reached a total of 117,978. Increases, as occurred in previous years, in Africa (+565), Asia (+781) and Oceania (+15), while this year decreases in America (-60) and Europe (-347). The major diocesan seminarians are 71,219 (43 more than in the previous year) and 46,759 religious ones (+911). Diocesan seminarians increases are registered in Africa (+425) and Asia (+121), decreases are registered in America (-353) and Oceania (-14) and Europe (-136). The religious seminarians increase in Africa (+140
Health, charity and assistance institutes
Charity and assistance institutes run in the world by the Church include: 5,558 hospitals most of them in America (1721) and Africa (1290); 17,763 dispensaries, mainly in America (5495), Africa (5280) and Asia ( 3634), 561 care Homes for people with Leprosy mainly in Asia (288) and Africa (174); 16,073 Homes for the elderly, or chronically ill or people with a disability, mainly in Europe (8238) and America (4144); 9,956 orphanages, about one third in Asia (3406); 12,387 creches, 13,736 marriage counseling centers mainly in Europe (5948) and America (4696); 36,933 education or social rehabilitation centers and 12,050 other kinds of institutions, mainly in America (4484 ), Europe (3939) and Asia (1857).
Ecclesiastical Circumscriptions dependent on the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples
To 1 October 2011, the ecclesiastical Circumscriptions dependent on the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples (CEP) were 1103. Mainly in Africa (499) and Asia (473). Followed by America (85) and Oceania (46).
Modern religious Art - Brian Whelan

The Martrydom of St Edmund by Brian Whelan
Some time ago I lamented that in Trinidad there are few people doing religious (Christian) art. In the greater world there are those who paint religious art, and Brian Whelan is one such artist.
Now I can't say that his art is fantastic. I leave that up to the crisics. What I know is that I love the photos of the pieces. And it has been my experience that if the photo is great, then the actual piece must be phenomenal.
According to the Independent news agency Brian Whelan is having an exhibition at St Martin in the Fields, Trafalgar Square, (london England) from 8 - 20 November. His art is described below:
Brian Whelan's paintings, much like the medieval art he admires, depict a sublime comedy of life's glories and tragedies on both religious and secular plains.
As a 'visionary painter', Whelan's religious works have been shown alongside those of Stanley Spencer, Peter Howson, Eric Gill and Marc Chagall, and can be found in public and private collections worldwide. His Martyrdom of St. Edmund permanently hangs in St Edmundsbury Cathedral. Other religious institutions where his work can be seen are in Santiago de Compostela in Spain, Czestochowa in Poland; and Ohio in the USA.
In addition to painting religious subjects, Whelan, whose father hails from Dublin and mother from Kilkenny, feels compelled to paint London, the city he grew up in. This immigrant status and the theme of the journey inform the work: the street, the pubs and bars, the church, the underground, the train and the red bus.
Wikipedia has this to say about his art:
Whelan's propensity to merge both the sublime with the ridiculous is not always readily embraced. His paintings in the Window Gallery of St. Martins School of Art (London) were turned to face the wall after complaints were made from the public.
Seamus Heaney, Spokeof Whelan's work: "His work is bold and commanding."
Who is Seamus Heaney? Well Seamus Heaney he is an Irish poet, writer and lecturer. who has received the Nobel Prize in Literature (1995), the Golden Wreath of Poetry (2001), T. S. Eliot Prize (2006) and two Whitbread prizes (1996 and 1999). He was both the Harvard and the Oxford Professor of Poetry and was made a Commandeur de l'Ordre des Arts et Lettres in 1996. In 2011, he was named one of "Britain's top 300 intellectuals" by The Observer. So when Seamus Heaney speaks, many listen.
Sister Wendy Beckett described Brian When's work as: "Clear, strong, prayerful work with joy at its centre."
Sister Wendy Beckett is a South African-born British art expert, consecrated virgin and contemplative hermit who became a celebrity during the 1990s, presenting a series of acclaimed art history documentaries for the BBC.
Below is a series of Paintings from Whelan:

Album cover by Brian Whelan for the Band "The Popes"

Brian Whelan - CityScape (London)
What an inspiring news story. A freedom fighter for love has arrived at the age of retirement as Archbishop. I am sure there were many times when this great Catholic must have thought that he would not live to see his 75th Birthday. Here is the story from the Catholic News Agency:
Havana, Cuba, Oct 21, 2011 / 02:01 pm (CNA).- Cardinal Jaime Ortega of Havana, Cuba submitted his resignation as Archbishop of Havana on Oct. 18, upon reaching the canonical age of retirement.
According to Canon Law, bishops must submit their resignations upon reaching the age of 75. The Pope has the authority to decide whether to accept the resignation or to allow a bishop to remain in office.
In recent years Cardinal Ortega has become one of the principal mediators with the Cuban government on issues such as the release of political prisoners. Between 2010 and 2011, 115 prisoners were freed, 103 of which traveled to Spain with their family members.
Cardinal Jaime Ortega was born on Oct. 18, 1936. He studied theology at the seminary of St. Albert the Great in Matanzas, Cuba, and at the Seminary for Priests of the Foreign Missions in Quebec, Canada.
He was ordained a priest on Aug. 2, 1964. In 1966 he was imprisoned by the Communist government and held in a work camp until 1967.
In December of 1978 he was named bishop of Pinar del Rio and in 1981 he was appointed Archbishop of Havana. He was president of the Cuban Bishops’ Conference from 1988 to 1990.
The cardinal also hosted John Paul II during his historic visit to Cuba in 1998.
Give the Catholic Money and He'll have another child... or five
Well I am against this idea.
The article from Catholic News Agency on September 1st 2011 concerns me. A Catholic Parish in an Indian City of Kerala, have decided to pay money to Catholic Families when they have their fifth child as an incentive for Catholic Families to have more children.
Well there is a concern that the Catholic Population is on the decline.
The Indian government has an initiative to encourage parents to make two children the norm. So there are those who will oppose that, and I agree with them. BUT FIVE CHILDREN? Let's leave that up to God and His plan.
The article from Catholic News Agency on September 1st 2011 concerns me. A Catholic Parish in an Indian City of Kerala, have decided to pay money to Catholic Families when they have their fifth child as an incentive for Catholic Families to have more children.
A parish in Kerala’s Wayand district now offers fixed-rate deposits of $225 that are held in the name of the fifth child born to a Catholic family in 2011.
Fr. Jose Kocharackal, vicar of St. Vincent De Paul Forane Church in Kalpetta, said that the church had issued deposits to two families in the parish. Part of the Sunday collection is set aside for funding the deposits.
The program was planned and instituted with help from the Sion Prolife Movement in the Diocese of Mananthavady, UCA News reports.
Salu Mecheril, the organization’s regional coordinator, said the campaign’s popularity is increasing. A second parish is preparing to adopt the same plan.
Well there is a concern that the Catholic Population is on the decline.
In 2008 the Kerala Catholic Bishops’ Conference said that a family trend to have only one child or none at all would imperil the Catholic community.
The 2001 census said that Christians made up 19 percent of Kerala’s population of over 31 million, a drop from the 1991 census which showed they made up 19.5 percent. Kerala is mostly Hindu, but Muslims account for about 25 percent of the population.
The Indian government has an initiative to encourage parents to make two children the norm. So there are those who will oppose that, and I agree with them. BUT FIVE CHILDREN? Let's leave that up to God and His plan.
Thursday, 20 October 2011
British Monarch can marry a Catholic but cannot convert
The Catholic News Agency has an interesting article by David Kerr about the spouse of the British Monarch being allowed to be Catholic:
The Catholic Church in the United Kingdom is giving a mixed reaction to plans to reform the centuries old law that prevents the British monarch from being Catholic or marrying a Catholic.
“The Act of Settlement amounts to iniquitous anti-Catholic discrimination,” said Peter Kearney, spokesman for the Catholic Bishops of Scotland.
The U.K. Prime Minister, David Cameron, revealed this week that he has written to the 15 other Commonwealth states where Queen Elizabeth is head of state with a view to reforming the Act of Settlement, which has been in force since 1701.
“This rule is a historical anomaly - it does not, for example, bar those who marry spouses of other faiths - and we do not think it can continue to be justified,” wrote Cameron.
However, the proposal does not include lifting the ban on Catholics ascending to the throne. The reason offered for this is that, upon coronation, the British monarch automatically becomes the Supreme Governor of the Church of England.
“While a partial repeal is welcome, the continuing ban on a Catholic becoming head of state remains state-sponsored sectarianism,” Kearney told CNA Oct. 14.
Prime Minister Cameron is due to discuss his proposal with fellow Commonwealth leaders when they meet at a summit in Perth, Australia, later this month. Already the Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, has said he will support the reform.
The Act of Settlement was originally passed to prevent the descendants of the Catholic King James II from ascending the throne. He was deposed in the 1688 “Glorious Revolution” by supporters of the Protestant William and Mary. Mary was the eldest Protestant daughter of James II and was married to William of Orange, who later became William III.
In recent years, the Act has affected several members of the British royal family.
In 2001, Lord Nicholas Windsor, the youngest son of the Duke and Duchess of Kent, permanently forfeited his right to the royal succession by converting to Catholicism.
In 2008, Autumn Kelly, the Canadian fiancée of the Queen’s grandson Peter Philips, renounced her Catholicism in favor of Anglicanism, thus preserving her husband’s slim chances of becoming king. He is currently 11th in line to the throne.
The U.K. Prime Minister’s other proposals for reforming the monarchy include ending the current preference given to male heirs over their older sisters.
“We espouse gender equality in all other aspects of life and it is an anomaly that in the rules relating to the highest public office we continue to enshrine male superiority,” wrote Cameron.
Monday, 17 October 2011
Trinidad and Tobago - the worlds best Travel Destination.
The article in the Trinidad Express says "T&T is World's Best Tourist Destination"
How did this little island achieve such a status? Well a group of Tourism organisations came up with it. They are called: The European Union Council on Tourism and Trade (EUCTT)
I searched for this group and could find no website. Not even a reference to them. Who are they?
... and has anybody told America about TRINIDAD and Tobago and our new status?
I am so happy that these people are seeing what I have seen, and know what I have known...
Welcome to the Caribbean... Welcome to Trinidad and Tobago.
How did this little island achieve such a status? Well a group of Tourism organisations came up with it. They are called: The European Union Council on Tourism and Trade (EUCTT)
I searched for this group and could find no website. Not even a reference to them. Who are they?
... and has anybody told America about TRINIDAD and Tobago and our new status?
The award has previously been presented to Syria in 2007, Turkey in 2008, United Arab Emirates in 2009 and the Republic of Korea (South Korea) in 2010.
I am so happy that these people are seeing what I have seen, and know what I have known...
Welcome to the Caribbean... Welcome to Trinidad and Tobago.
Gordon Anthony Pantin - archbishop of Port of Spain
Rev Gordon Anthony Patin – 8th Archbishop of Port of Spain
27 Aug 1929 - Born - Port of Spain
3 Jul 1955 - Ordained Priest Priest of Congregation of the Holy Spirit
29 Nov 1967 - Appointed Archbishop of Port of Spain,
19 Mar 1968 - Ordained Bishop Archbishop of Port of Spain,
11 Mar 2000 - Died Archbishop of Port of Spain,
The living water website has a very nice article taken from the Sunday Guardian of March 19th 2000 about the man Archbishop Anthony Pantin after his death.
Anthony Gordon Pantin was born in Port of Spain in August 27, 1929, the second son of Julian Andrew Pantin, a business executive and his wife Agnes, nee Mazeley.
He received his primary education at Sacred Heart School and Belmont Intermediate School (now the Belmont Boys’ Secondary RC School). From the latter he won a Government Scholarship, (called a Government Exhibition in those days) to St Mary’s College. Also among the group of Exhibition winners from that school was Ellis Clarke who would become first President of independent Trinidad and Tobago.
He also took part in sports, playing cricket and football and was a member of the Sixth Trinidad Sea Scouts, under the direction of the saintly Fr Cristobal Valdez. At St Mary’s, Anthony Pantin was in the top academic stream and although considered a strong contender for the open island scholarship, the young Pantin decided to enter the priesthood at age 17 and was anxious to begin his priestly studies.
His elder brother, Fr Gerald “Gerry” Pantin once observed that “Tony” wanted to be a priest from the time he was seven years old. He had been an acolyte at St Patrick’s Church from an early age.
He spent a short time teaching at St Mary’s College before embarking for Canada.
Archbishop Pantin entered the novitiate of the Holy Ghost Congregation in Canada in 1946 and attended the University of Montreal, graduating with his BA degree. He returned to Trinidad in 1949 for a three-year teaching stint at St Mary’s College.
In 1952 he left for Dublin, Ireland, where he pursued studies in Theology. He was ordained priest on the 3rd July, 1955 and was sent to Guadeloupe as a missionary priest until 1959. He returned to Trinidad to teach at Fatima College in Port of Spain until 1964.
In 1965 he returned to St Mary’s College where he was elected to the post of Religious Superior, where he served until 1967. In November of that year, he was requested to accept responsibilities as head of the Archdiocese of Port of Spain, a post which was left vacant by the resignation of the legendary Count Finbar Ryan.
Father Anthony Pantin’s Episcopal consecration took place on March 19, 1968.
As Archbishop he took the motto, “All things to all men” which would today be translated, “All things to all people”. During his 32 years as Archbishop, he made strenuous efforts to fulfill the expectations of that motto.
Bishop Galt, who was a close friend from school days remembers him as having the ability to meet people of all classes on equal terms. He was also able to censure anyone if he thought that that person had done something wrong, but his admonitions were always made in a charitable manner. He was especially concerned with enriching the lives of the disadvantaged and underprivileged. He insisted on seeing anyone who visited, took all telephone calls, and wrote innumerable letters to people at home and abroad.
It was his great pleasure to visit the hospitals, and homes for the elderly and destitute on Christmas Day, where he would chat and sing with the inmates.
He founded the Mary Care Centre to provide a home for pregnant unmarried teenagers. In his sermons he usually called attention to the lot of the homeless and the lonely.
He is remembered as a mediator in the troubled times of both the Black Power crisis and the attempted coup. Many people also refer to the encouragement they received from him during times of personal crisis.
He was instrumental in forming the Inter-Religious Organization and took an active role in that group. He also took an active role in the activities of the Antilles Episcopal Conference, the association of Caribbean Bishops.
He was a humanist, the people’s priest.
The National Library website has another interesting article about Gordon Anthony Pantin.
The Roman Catholic Church has accepted the Government's offer for an official funeral for Archbishop Anthony Pantin.
Pantin's funeral rites will be spread over a three-day period, beginning on Thursday with an official service and ending with his burial on Saturday at the Cathedral crypt.
The Catholic Church has also accepted the proposal of acting Prime Minister Lindsay Gillette that there be a national day of prayer.
Pantin, 70, died in his sleep on Sunday of acute heart failure. He was the third bishop to die at the Archbishop's House at 27 Maraval Road, Queen's Park West.
The last burial of a Roman Catholic bishop in T&T took place over 59 years ago. Bishop John Pius Dowling also died in his sleep in a chair at the house on June 6, 1940. Bishop Patrick Vincent Flood, who built the house, was the first bishop to die there on May 17, 1907. Bishop Finbar Ryan, who followed Dowling, was buried in Ireland.
Auxiliary Bishop John Mendes has taken over responsibility of the diocese, in keeping with Code 419 of the Code of Canon Law.
Yesterday, Mendes, Fr. Christian Pereira, Fr. Clyde Harvey, Fr. Joseph Harris, Fr. Garfield Rochard and Abbot Francis Alleyne of Mt St Benedict were at Archbishop's House overseeing funeral arrangements. Some of these senior clergymen represent the College of Consultors, which acts in emergency cases in administration of the church.
Pereira said, "The Archbishop has contributed tremendously to the country. It is up to us to make sure that his passing is not a loss, but that we are able to build and to integrate his contribution into the fabric of our national life. We will lose something if we throw it away."
The Archbishop's body will arrive at the Cathedral of Immaculate Conception, Independence Square, on Thursday at 6 p.m. for a Pontifical Mass presided over by the Papal Pro-Nuncio Archbishop Eugenio Sbarbaro DD. Archbishop Edgerton Clarke, president of the Antilles Episcopal conference, will deliver the homily.
Government officials, the diplomatic corps and representatives of religious groups are expected to attend this service.
The body will lie in state at the Cathedral on Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for public viewing and services will also be held for schoolchildren.
At 10 a.m. on Saturday the church will say farewell to Pantin after the Archdiocese of Port of Spain celebrates a Solemn Eucharist with Mendes as chief celebrant. This will be followed by Pantin's entombment in the Cathedral crypt below the sacristy to the southwestern end of the altar.
A condolence book will be opened at Archbishop's House today to Thursday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Another Article at the National Library website gives us some more insight:
Fr. Pereira and workmen descended eight stone stops into a stifling, dimly lit room, measuring ten by 15 feet.
There they found two caskets, one of zinc and badly deteriorated, the other of lead and still intact. The caskets are thought to contain the remains of the fifth and sixth archbishops of Port of Spain: Patrick Vincent Flood, in office till 1907, and John Pius Dowling, who died in 1940.
Only two coffins were found then, so it seems it will be necessary to break through the walls of the crypt to find the other tombs beneath the cathedral.
Priests and church officials, others than archbishops may have been interred beneath the cathedral as well.
Before Port of Spain became an archdiocese, run by an archbishop, in 1851, a number of bishops were in charge.
Those buried in the crypt could include James Bukley, bishop till 1828; Daniel McDonnell, bishop till 1844; Guillaume le Goff, cure till his death in 1855; Michael Monaghan, apostolic administrator till 1855; James Etheridge, apostolic administrator till 1861; Abbe Francois Cuenat, apostolic administrator till 1869; William O'Carroll, coadjutor till 1884; and George Vincent King, coadjutor till 1886.
Archbishop Pantin always said "It is all God's work" - 2 Cor 5:18.
He touched many lives and lived up to his motto: “Omnia Omnibus,” All things to All!
At his passing the headline of the front page of the Catholic News issue of Sunday, March 19, 2000 read: “We Remember How You Loved Us”.
Below is the Episcopal Lineage / Apostolic Succession for Archbishop Pantin.
• Archbishop Gordon Anthony Pantin, C.S.Sp. † (1968)
• Archbishop Marie-Joseph Lemieux, O.P. † (1936)
• Paolo Cardinal Marella † (1933)
• Pietro Cardinal Fumasoni Biondi † (1916)
• Domenico Cardinal Serafini, O.S.B. † (1900)
• Serafino Cardinal Vannutelli † (1869)
• Costantino Cardinal Patrizi Naro † (1828)
• Father Carlo Odescalchi, S.J. † (1823)
• Giulio Maria Cardinal della Somaglia † (1788)
• Hyacinthe-Sigismond Cardinal Gerdil, B. † (1777)
• Marcantonio Cardinal Colonna (Jr.) † (1762)
• Pope Carlo della Torre Rezzonico † (1743)
• Pope Prospero Lorenzo Lambertini † (1724)
• Pope Pietro Francesco (Vincenzo Maria) Orsini de Gravina, O.P. † (1675)
• Paluzzo Cardinal Paluzzi Altieri Degli Albertoni † (1666)
• Ulderico Cardinal Carpegna † (1630)
• Luigi Cardinal Caetani † (1622)
• Ludovico Cardinal Ludovisi † (1621)
• Archbishop Galeazzo Sanvitale † (1604)
• Girolamo Cardinal Bernerio, O.P. † (1586)
• Giulio Antonio Cardinal Santorio † (1566)
• Scipione Cardinal Rebiba †
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