“This church is Dedicated to God in honour of the Immaculate conception of the Mother of God. It’s foundation stone was laid in a sacred ceremony on 24th March 1816. It was solemnly consecrated by Archbishop Richard Patrick Smith on 23rd February 1851. A Papal rescript fixed the 9th of November as it’s anniversary day. It’s Marble Altar was solemnly consecrated by Archbishop Vincent Spaccapietra on 1st February 1857. It was built by collections from the faithful and contributions from all the citizens . This Commemorative plaque was placed, lest the memory of such great devotion should be lost.”

“In his esteem for this town of Port of Spain in the West Indies, the supreme pontiff Pius IX conferred on it the dignity of Archiepiscopal See when he established the diocese of Roseau in Dominica as it’s suffrage See. This church, in honour of the virgin’s Immaculate Conception, was raised to the dignity of Basilica Minor with all the rights and privileges attached thereto. Here can be gained the indulgences granted to Saint Mary’s Major in Rome. Expressing the desire of all the faithful, Archbishop Vincent Spaccapietra placed this plaque in Commemoration of these great favours.”